The Roberto Mancini appreciation thread

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MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
4-2 vs Chelsea to send early signs of things to come
Signing Toure, Silva and Balotelli
1-0 vs United at Wembley
1-0 vs Tottenham to secure Champions League football
Winning the FA Cup to end a 35 year trophy drought
Signing Sergio Aguero
5-1 vs Spurs at WHL to send a big message to the the league
6-1 vs United to send shock waves through out the footballing world
1-0 vs United at home to go back to the top after trailing 8 points
3-2 vs QPR to win the league for the first time in 44 years in the most astonishing way English football has ever witnessed

Thank you Roberto.

Very well put, it's been a roller-coaster ride over this last few years and we have Roberto to thank for that.

He deserves our respect and gratitude
Disgraceful treatment of the best manager we've had for decades. What more do they want a manager?

Pellegrini - sounds like some overpriced mineral water and will be all fizz for 5 minutes then flat as a f*^t 2 minutes later.

We should all be so grateful to Roberto. Thank you sir, may you go on to greater success in the future.
stuart01704 said:
Disgraceful treatment of the best manager we've had for decades. What more do they want a manager?

Pellegrini - sounds like some overpriced mineral water and will be all fizz for 5 minutes then flat as a f*^t 2 minutes later.

We should all be so grateful to Roberto. Thank you sir, may you go on to greater success in the future.

Totally agree!!
Is history to repeat itself? In 1972 the board dumped Joe Mercer after he won us 4 Trophies in 3 years. Although they at least waited another 2 years before they did it. He of course went on to successfully manage England, albeit as a caretaker. But then CITY entered a tailspin of terminal decline. YES league cup 1976, YES 2nd in 1977. BUT NOTa European Trophy, and NOT League Champions. Down to the 3rd Division in 98/99.

Now we have sacked the man who ended 35 years of misery, exactly 12 months after we lifted the Premier League trophy. How grateful are we?
AND it seems the entire staff of the club knew this on Saturday morning. No wonder the players non-performed as they did.

The right appointment now is critical, or are we headed for another 35 years?It needs to be made NOW not with a week to go like last years tranfer fiasco when it was a case of "grab-what's-available" and make do.
Bit of an off season and we get rid. Brought us silverware and an amazing run in with our rivals for a premier league title that will probably never be repeated the way it was again.

Thanks Bob.
Gutted that Mancini he is going he brought some real belief back to the club thanks for the memories Roberto.
Blue Til Death said:
stuart01704 said:
Disgraceful treatment of the best manager we've had for decades. What more do they want a manager?

Pellegrini - sounds like some overpriced mineral water and will be all fizz for 5 minutes then flat as a f*^t 2 minutes later.

We should all be so grateful to Roberto. Thank you sir, may you go on to greater success in the future.

Totally agree!!

I agree that we have much to be greatful for. But ask yourself this, if at work you:

Failed to achieve any of the targets set for you
Upset lots of your colleagues and openly criticised them in front of the media
Went about your job looking clueless and making seemingly crazy decisions

You'd expect to be fired, wouldn't you.
thank u mancini
we will always remember ur 1- 6 victory against untd. u won fergie in his own game. that game was perfect.
title after so many years . u build the foundation for... whoever will come now.
u r a good coach. but city now need a world class coach to progress from where there r. sorry we have to sack u....
may be u will be a success at another club. have a good life ahead
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