The Royals - the Commonwealth


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
115 pts on my license see how it goes
Hot on the heels of Barbados. Jamaica signals its "exit" from Monarchist controls. Can't help but think its recent decisions made that diminish us on the world stage that make the association with us as unattractive as separatists have been urging at home. I suspect if Australia moves to become a republic the house of cards could fall....

Jamaica are already independent, they should just enjoy the sunshine and their utterly pleasant lives without worrying about other people.
All great empires eventually crumble, and through internal strife, not external pressure.

Bexit. The Scots voted to remain part of the UK in their independence referendum because we were in the EU. England voted leave, we couldn't care less what happens to Northern Ireland, and the Scots feel betrayed.

Australians received their kick in the teeth in 1975 which woke them up and they realised the Pacific nations were where it's at, and kinda thought a non political monarchy as head of state was better for them than an elected president in their referendum.

My own view is they are so appalled at the state of politics in the UK at the moment, I'm not surprised they want to cut their ties with us. I want to cut myself off from Westminster as well so of course I'm going to say something like that.

It's a fallacy we are a power on the world stage militarily. That belongs to the USA and China, but soft power was a strength we had which is now hugely diminished.

'Bring back control' was a misunderstood message during the rerendum. It failed to recognise our influence in the EU, especially our help to the eastern European members, and we were the gateway for the USA and other nations we had close ties with having a friendly voice for them in the most prosperous economic bloc in the world.

That influence we had has now been lost, and those countries we helped are now looking elsewhere because we are out of the club and out on our own.
All great empires eventually crumble, and through internal strife, not external pressure.

Bexit. The Scots voted to remain part of the UK in their independence referendum because we were in the EU. England voted leave, we couldn't care less what happens to Northern Ireland, and the Scots feel betrayed.

Australians received their kick in the teeth in 1975 which woke them up and they realised the Pacific nations were where it's at, and kinda thought a non political monarchy as head of state was better for them than an elected president in their referendum.

My own view is they are so appalled at the state of politics in the UK at the moment, I'm not surprised they want to cut their ties with us. I want to cut myself off from Westminster as well so of course I'm going to say something like that.

It's a fallacy we are a power on the world stage militarily. That belongs to the USA and China, but soft power was a strength we had which is now hugely diminished.

'Bring back control' was a misunderstood message during the rerendum. It failed to recognise our influence in the EU, especially our help to the eastern European members, and we were the gateway for the USA and other nations we had close ties with having a friendly voice for them in the most prosperous economic bloc in the world.

That influence we had has now been lost, and those countries we helped are now looking elsewhere because we are out of the club and out on our own.
My feelings about the referendum on Europe is that the public should never have been asked to vote yeah or nay, it was simply too big a question and most people do not know enough about the ramifications of these things, I know I certainly don't.
The referendum was a mistake it should never have happened, too much at stake.
Apart from the above I feel some nations will cut ties with Britain as it seems obvious the Queen is getting towards the end and I don't think Charles and Camilla represent a desirable pair.
I know that the Republican movement here in Australia are. sharpening their knives in preparation for the end of Queen Elizabeth. I've heard rumblings from New Zealand also.
All great empires eventually crumble, and through internal strife, not external pressure.

Bexit. The Scots voted to remain part of the UK in their independence referendum because we were in the EU. England voted leave, we couldn't care less what happens to Northern Ireland, and the Scots feel betrayed.

Australians received their kick in the teeth in 1975 which woke them up and they realised the Pacific nations were where it's at, and kinda thought a non political monarchy as head of state was better for them than an elected president in their referendum.

My own view is they are so appalled at the state of politics in the UK at the moment, I'm not surprised they want to cut their ties with us. I want to cut myself off from Westminster as well so of course I'm going to say something like that.

It's a fallacy we are a power on the world stage militarily. That belongs to the USA and China, but soft power was a strength we had which is now hugely diminished.

'Bring back control' was a misunderstood message during the rerendum. It failed to recognise our influence in the EU, especially our help to the eastern European members, and we were the gateway for the USA and other nations we had close ties with having a friendly voice for them in the most prosperous economic bloc in the world.

That influence we had has now been lost, and those countries we helped are now looking elsewhere because we are out of the club and out on our own.
Agreed, we’ve royally fucked up, but that’s the decision we’ve made and we need to try and make the most of it.
My feelings about the referendum on Europe is that the public should never have been asked to vote yeah or nay, it was simply too big a question and most people do not know enough about the ramifications of these things, I know I certainly don't.
The referendum was a mistake it should never have happened, too much at stake.
Apart from the above I feel some nations will cut ties with Britain as it seems obvious the Queen is getting towards the end and I don't think Charles and Camilla represent a desirable pair.
I know that the Republican movement here in Australia are. sharpening their knives in preparation for the end of Queen Elizabeth. I've heard rumblings from New Zealand also.

You get the feeling Liz is the only one holding it together, don’t see much future beyond her. Not even sure it is going to last in the UK to be honest.
It’s a shame the queen has to see countries leaving the commonwealth, but it is coming to an end.

Which country benefits from being in it these days?

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