The Scottish Politics thread

Has John Swinney resigned yet? I presume he is going to as he has failed miserably in his set objectives.

I recall him saying that if the SNP got a majority in Scotland that would give them the mandate to demand another referendum on independence. Well presumably he also believes the opposite is true and he now accepts that there is no demand for referendum let alone independence.

That certainly will be, and should be, how it is presented by every rival party. And The SNP as well as their supporters will have to accept that.

Too early to call for resignations though, imo.
So a very mixed night of feelings. Delighted that the Tories got the hammering they deserve but very disappointed in the SNP showing. Their various traumas and a long span in power is clearly catching up with them and they need to respond very carefully. Labour now need to prove what they can do better.

One thing that still baffles me though is how a Scottish constituency can still return a Tory MP.
If there are any Scottish voting tories out there, as a humble request to help me understand (because I genuinely want to), how, given all that has happened in the last few years can a Tory candidate have deserved your vote.
I promise not to get in to a barny or slag anyone off. I'm genuinely wanting to understand.

It is not how much the snp lost that's the shocker (which it also is), it is where they lost. Lewis and Harris? Wow.
Wha’ cares. Whoever we vote for in the WM election counts fir fuck all. SNP had the numbers but could achieve nothing. The Scot labour leader and acolytes will do fuck all to stop WM doing anything that disaffects Scotchland .

At least DRoss is almost away. Not sure I want him as a lino or backbench in Holyrood. tumshie heaided numptie.
Dumfries and Galloway did it yet again.

Over 7000 voted for Reform as well!
It just beggars belief.
I know it’s rural but then from what I’ve read 70% of farmers believe Brexit was negative. Then there was all the stuff round Covid, the lying, the trashing of the economy….. and yet clearly that there are those that want more of that please.
For years I’ve listened to Farming Today every morning on Radio 4, and a week hasn’t gone by without someone from the Scottish farming community bemoaning the incompetence of the Conservatives and how it’s cost their livelihoods. Yet get those same farmers near the ballot box and all sins are forgiven. Peculiar lot.
The SNP has not gone away, their failure was "wokeism", rejected by the majority of Scots. there is still a desire for an independent Scotland from a significant minority of Scots.

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