The Southampton Thread!

peoffrey said:
I'm going to go to Southampton next season unless the kick off isn't kind. I did criticise them for sacking Alan Pardew for not winning promotion at the first attempt (points deduction) but Nigel Adkins has done well for an ex-Physio and Goalkeeper. They often don't make Managers.
There are err, other reasons Pardew was sacked.

Bluemoon115 said:
peoffrey said:
I'm going to go to Southampton next season unless the kick off isn't kind. I did criticise them for sacking Alan Pardew for not winning promotion at the first attempt (points deduction) but Nigel Adkins has done well for an ex-Physio and Goalkeeper. They often don't make Managers.
There are err, other reasons Pardew was sacked.


Do say or PM.
If any Southampton fans are reading this and know 'Marcus' say hello from me please. Cracking bloke, got me and some others into the players lounge after an evening match down there. Suddenly I saw Uwe Rosler who of course had signed for the Saints and so made a bee line for him, he hadn't played that night (I think he was an unused sub ?). As I was telling him that as far as I was concerned he would always be a Blue he lifted up his outer, smart shirt to reveal a City shirt !!. I was gobsmacked but it made my night. The nerve of wearing a City shirt in the players lounge whilst being a Southampton player was brilliant.

Anyway, hello to Marcus and all the best.
BimboBob said:
Used to live in Southampton so was very pleased that they went up. looking forward to an away day there and seeing some old friends/family.

Likewise mate, being a southerner, this is the first fixture for my diary!

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