the suns pathetic agenda against city

Are we really bothered about what the hacks at The Scum have to say about anything? Yesterday they got their noses rubbed in it good and proper. That'll do me, but while we're on the subject.

Okay so they did say a few positive things in the match review - how could they not after an away performance like that against a side that had only previously lost once at home all season, and then in controversial circumstances - but they did show their agenda. Back page, BS about Mancini's alleged "I'm the best manager" boast, which everyone who heard him KNOWS was sarcasm, but presented as arrogance in a a piss take swipe.

And then there's the scatterings of a suggestion that the only reason the lads turned it on yesterday was because a certain Argentinian monkey-faced scumbag was sitting in the stands.

The only thing that's going to shut those fuck-wits up is for the team to turn in a few more performances like that over the Christmas fixture period, 'cause for the Tedia to carry on in that vein when we're second or TOP will just show it for the bias that it is in my view.. Personally I can't wait.
The only good thing about the Sun these days is the Clarkson column and the £9.50 holidays. I dont buy it anymore, i'd rather pay double than have them telling me how to think.
Agreed.....I wouldnt wipe my a*rse with this gutter rag just now refuse to buy it...What really gets on my nerves is the tossers that read it and take it as gospel.....they will come round just as long as we win......PERSONALLY Im liking this "Us and them mentality" as its forming a great team spirit and us, the fans are getting right behind the team...which can only be a good thing...onwards and upwards blues...F**k em.
we will never get credit, even when we win the league they will slag us off. but you know what i will be doing? celebrating on the street pissed out of my tree.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
kippaxwarrior said:
You Think thats bad

Here is the Daily Fail's rating

Hart 6;
Zabaleta 7, K Toure 7, Kompany 6,
Kolarov 6; De Jong 7, Barry 6 (Vieira 82);
Silva 6 (Milner 89), Y Toure 7, Jo 6; Tevez 8 (Johnson 77, 6).

Silva - 6??? I am actually lost for words...
Yeah I think this is going to be a usual thing with silva. I get the impression it's his place that the media want johnson to take. I expect him to be getting less praise than is due to him then Mancini to get slated for not starting Johnson instead of him.
Worse still is the mail's anti Balotelli agenda - I've lost count of the number of negative stories about him that this rag has been churning out (pun intended)
kippaxwarrior said:
You Think thats bad

Here is the Daily Fail's rating

Hart 6;
Zabaleta 7, K Toure 7, Kompany 6,
Kolarov 6; De Jong 7, Barry 6 (Vieira 82);
Silva 6 (Milner 89), Y Toure 7, Jo 6; Tevez 8 (Johnson 77, 6).

Hahahhahahahahahahaa i don't care how raggy they are, they can't have watched the match to give silva a rating of 6. Ratboy would even struggle to give him less than 7.
I see it a different way,I don't think the journolist who marked the players ratings needs abuse.He really needs sympathy,because he obviously knows nothing about football.In all honesty he should be a bit embarrased,because I'm damn sure I would be.And I imagine that even to the neutral football fan every City player deserved a damn sight higher rating than he gave them.I admit I have been critical of what I see as negative tactics lately.But by no stretch of the imagination can ANYONE be critical of that performance.And as for the rating he gave David Silva it's just laughable.

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