The Terry threads

Swales lives said:
FFS, Allegedly Terry bullied Bridge's ex into having an abortion!!! That's the rumour/story. Y'know, Dad of the year John Bastard Terry Please stop PM-ing me, I'm starting to feel sorry for Adam Teese:)
PMSL!!! Churchill statue for Swalesy!!!
LongsightM13 said:
Swales lives said:
FFS, Allegedly Terry bullied Bridge's ex into having an abortion!!! That's the rumour/story. Y'know, Dad of the year John Bastard Terry Please stop PM-ing me, I'm starting to feel sorry for Adam Teese:)
PMSL!!! Churchill statue for Swalesy!!!

This kinda makes sense now, as i heard from a close and trusted source that Bridge was struggling to settle in the North West due to a 'domestic' and his missus kept going back to the smoke and this was some time ago now, but like i said it is all starting to make some sense now....

Strange that Terry came out and stated that Wayne was the best crosser of the ball at Chelsea and shouldnt have been alllowed to leave.

There again if he was allegedly sh*gging Wayne's missus at the time, it could have made that 'arrangement' somewhat more difficult, but there again what do we know....................................
This john terry thing, everyone saying he shpuld stand down

Anyone remember when beckham was hammering that loos bird that he should stand down as captain

NO, neither do i, fucking rag scum, beckham licking cnuts

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