The Terry threads

listen, what england player is gonna look at terry n think i trust you, not a single one! so how the hell can you expect him to lead out a team! if he was a decent captain he wudnt have banged that dirty ho one! lets stick up for bridge and england n tell that horrible t**t to jam two fingers down his japper!
dick slexia said:
fulhamroad22 said:
As much as these allegations suggest he's a nasty bloke, as a footballer he is absoloutely incredible. Probably the best centre back in the league and the best leader on the pitch in the league also. His goal in the midst of all these allegations kind of sums up Terry as a footballer, absoloutely relentless and incredibly passionate.

I cannot fault him on the pitch and if you think he is that shote as a player, you clearly need to watch other teams play and drop the delusion.

I cannot say much for his private life, and this is the latest thing that Terry has dissapointed me with. Absoloutely gutted. Conversely, Lampard has gone up in my estimations a hell of a lot recently.

I hope that all parties involved find some kind of of closure. I hope Wayne Bridge and his family recover from all the media pressure they will recieve. I hope Terry's family can get through these struggles. More importantly I hope Terry realises how grave the mistakes he's made are. I hope he mans up and apologises to all family, friends and colleagues affected by the allegation. Finally, I'd hope he promises full commitment to changing his ways as a role model, possibly even apologising to the public.

I'd suggest Capello and the England team decide whether he should keep captaincy. He needs to have words with the squad either way. I'd hope he has changed his ways as I feel he is by far the most suitable candidate fir the job:

Gerrard- Was arrested for affray after assaulting a DJ
Rio- Banned for missing a drug test
Beckham- Rebecca Loos
Lampard- Some accusations made, but has done some amazing charity work, i feel he'd need to captain his club before captaining his country
Rooney- Supposed prostitutes and more or less the same as Lampard

Terry has made a massive error, but that shouldn't take away from the fact he has led England thus far and is an excellent and proud captain in general, more passionate about wearing the shirt than any other player seemingly, and that should not be denied.
Are you a member of the gary neville arse licking club?
Terry is a no class chav
Man ure are shite

LOL, all I was saying was that Terry is an excellent player on the pitch (the best CB in the England squad) and that if he can pave over differences with teammates he should remain as captain as he is the best leader in the squad. I'm not defending his personal life, he was my hero last season and this and a number of other mistakes has made me lose all respect for him.

Does this make me a RAG? Or can't you think of anything slightly intelligible.

So Terry likes a drink and isn't faithful to his wife.

Bridge and Terry are eskimo friends.

Anything else I've missed?

Sounds like a storm in a teacup to me.
fulhamroad22 said:
dick slexia said:
Are you a member of the gary neville arse licking club?
Terry is a no class chav
Man ure are shite

LOL, all I was saying was that Terry is an excellent player on the pitch (the best CB in the England squad) and that if he can pave over differences with teammates he should remain as captain as he is the best leader in the squad. I'm not defending his personal life, he was my hero last season and this and a number of other mistakes has made me lose all respect for him.

Does this make me a RAG? Or can't you think of anything slightly intelligible.

Wasnt accusing you of being a rag you seem too intelligible for that but it was a fawning post over thug Terry. I always end my posts with Man Ure are shite for the simple reason

Man ure are shite
PS Joey Barton was a talented footballer but who would have him
New England badge just unveiled:-

mackenzie said:
shantay said:
The Mail does. Really dont get why they would do this, who are the ones that get hurt
Wayne , Toni and 3 kids. Sick imo

Sells papers. They aren't responsible for Terry's misdemeanours.

Absolutely this^^^^.HE HAS SERIOUS HISTORY, HOPE SHE TAKES HIM TO THE FOOKIN CLEANERS. And spills the rest of the beans to the tabloid vultures. Ha ha. Reap what you sow, twatty.....
fulhamroad22 said:
Double post

funny you should be on here....

dont you slag this site off to anyone that will listen on another certain site.

erm its comming to me now

Bluemoon is an absolute giggle. If I were a City fan, I'd be truly embarrassed by a lot of the people representing them on that forum. There are one or two decent members, but there are so many total idiots on there. Delusional, always talking about United. I mean I occasionally post on there, mainly to goad them, and that one even tried telling me City were the biggest club supported by Londoners (when I said this was not true, they said I was having a laugh!) and that their stadium should be 80,000. I know when we were in their position, we, as CFC supporters, were ****y ****es, but we have never ever been as bad as them!

ring any bells you two face nob

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