Ohhhh this thread has stirred up a lot of shit that needs saying.
This government have savaged the disabled people in this country.
The system is just designed to remove benefits from people whether they deserve them or not.
The changes to PIP are disgusting and are hurting people. Two of my sisters kids are disabled (one just won a bronze medal at the Cerebal Palsey world games in Spain, but thats by the by). One of the single fathers in my sisters support group attempted suicide after his benefits were stopped following a re-assment of his daughter under the new system. The benefits were reinstated (but not backdated) on appeal.
Slimey Dave Cameron also introduced a rolling six month reassessment of people on long term sick. So my father who had a degenerative neurological condition (so was not going to get better) had to be tested every six month with the threat of removing his benefits and my mums carers benefits. In reality it was never going to happen but did it stop the stress in the weeks building up to the assessment and waiting for the results? of course it didnt.
And if we want to talk fiddling the figures look at the Medical Research Council (MRC). They are a government body that do fundamental research into diseases. There were a few hundred research units around the country. They are being reduced to 2 (the Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge and the Francis Crick Institute in London) The good news is that they are not closing the rest but transferring them to Universities while still funding the research. Therefore exactly the same amount of money is being spent by the Government. However they claim that they have reduced the number of civil servants by 3,000 (MRC employees are civil servants, university employees are not) and that they are putting millions more into University research. Now both those claims are factually correct but they imply savings and new investment where there is none.
Greg Winter at the LMB in Cambridge just won the Nobel prize for Chemistry. Thats the 11th person and the 12th time an LMB scientist has won a Nobel Prize (Fred Sanger has won two in 1958 and 1980). MRC labs do really important research and should not be fucked around with. However this government in its wisdom transferred oversight of the MRC to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) in July. This meant that they lost their charitable VAT free status and now have to pay VAT on all the items they buy, thus reducing the amount of research they can do. Now this should be an easy fix for the government, either they pass legislation to reinstate the VAT free status of the MRC or as the VAT goes to the government, recycle the money back into the MRC so they can still do the same amount of research. So far they have done neither, the twats.