The Waiting List

sweenyuk said:
willy eckerslike said:
Personally I doubt that there will be so many existing SC holders wanting to 'downgrade' to cheaper seats.
I would expect the opposite, the expansion will turn level 2 into a club wembley style high priced hospitality section. Most south standers will need to relocate out if currently on that level

Luckily I'm not affected, but if I was sat in SS L2 and priced out, I would prefer the front of L3 rather than further back in the cheaper seats. Won't there also be more room in SS L1 if the away support is "cornered" - they should be given first option on these. I can see these and the higher L3 seats selling out before the £299 ones, but I could be wrong.
mostonbluemark said:
sinnerman said:
Ric said:
I was at the ground this morning to have a look around the stadium expansion "consultation suite", and there were people queueing to join the waiting list. Will be interesting to see how many sign up.

I've not had a season ticket for years, for various reasons, but I've just signed up for the waiting list for the £299 ones. Number 729 apparently. I reckon it will be quite popular.

The positive to come out of all this for me, the demand is obviously there. There could be over 1000 supporters on the waiting list by the end of the first day. Don't forget we are talking about a Stadium Expansion that won't be completed until the beginning of the 2015/16 season. It will be interesting to see just how many have registered by the time planning permission is granted. Its at this point the Club have to make a decision whether to go with one end or both. Be surprised if its not both my personal opinion.

I think a lot of them on the waiting are only on it for the £299 tickets, and might not want to pay £450 - £1000 for a seasoncard.
Can't really see the demand for both ends to be done until prices drop, we'd have struggled to shift 6,000 additional tickets for the Bayern game in the champions league - we only managed to fill the North Stand by dishing out cheap tickets to schools, colleges, civil servants and whoever else was getting the £25 deal.
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Sorry for the stupid question, my mate wants to go on the waiting list and pay the £100, do I need to phone and pay the £100 or can he do it using my season card details?

Cheers I can't get my head around it :)

You can add him to your Friends & Family and do it online or he can do it over the phone and he doesn't need your supporter number.
You may well be disappointed if you are putting names down for £299 tickets because ST wishing to relocate will get priority over newcomers.

In 2015/16 there will be at least a couple of thousand level 2 ST holders looking for new seats plus many others enticed by the price.

Question-----" I am currently ST holder. Do I need to join the waiting list to have the opportunity to relocate to any alternative seat either for 2014/15 or in a potentially expanded stadium in 2015/2016"

Answer-- "No, The relocation process ahead of 2014/15 will be the same as previous seasons. Providing you renew for 2014/15, you will be given first priority on any available seats within the stadium (including new seats made available via the proposed stadium expansion) for 2015/2016 during the seat relocation period. 2014/15 St holders will have priority over supporters who have joined the waiting list.

That to me says any of the current 34000 or whatever it is ST holders who fancy a cheaper seat can get first pick leaving none for waiting list people. Obviously there will be other seats available but doubt the £299 ones.
mostonbluemark said:
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Sorry for the stupid question, my mate wants to go on the waiting list and pay the £100, do I need to phone and pay the £100 or can he do it using my season card details?

Cheers I can't get my head around it :)

You can add him to your Friends & Family and do it online or he can do it over the phone and he doesn't need your supporter number.

Thanks mate, does that mean I don't have to pay?
Didsbury Dave said:
Clever marketing from City. Trying to build up pent up demand and induce a "disappearing product" anxiety amongst customers.

I agree Dave, it's tragically ridiculous.

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