The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

I wont watch youtube or any other social media platform based 'information' on such topics. Its inflammatory and designed to be so. There is help out there, everywhere. Even chirpodists or nail bar workers report things on a third party basis these days based on the mildest or vaguest disclosures from victims or those who think they are victims, from the most innocent comversations. People get heard. These social media things only serve to make people angry. Not healthy

That's a Channel 4 News report which features someone claiming to have been sexually abused by VIPs appearing in person.

It's obvious to me that the establishment and much of the media have tried to use the fact that Beech is a lying bastard to make all of this go away. And that's not fucking acceptable,
There will be as many paedophiles in Westminster as there are in any other community I don’t know the percentage I leave that up to the Police to investigate, people are wrongly accused of this crime all the time and the real culprits are crafty in there pursuit of victims.

I did watch a programme of a house in London where a group of paedophiles frequently visited, young boys who were picked up from railway stations and taken there. One of the men was a Sydney ? I can’t remember his name a horrible individual who the police caught up with.
That's a Channel 4 News report which features someone claiming to have been sexually abused by VIPs appearing in person.

It's obvious to me that the establishment and much of the media have tried to use the fact that Beech is a lying bastard to make all of this go away. And that's not fucking acceptable,

Richard Kerr was in custody at the time he was allegedly abused. Doesn't seem credible to me.

The allegations in the public domain are unlikely to be true. If there were paedophiles with connections, it wasn't a conspiracy with MI5 involvement.

There will be as many paedophiles in Westminster as there are in any other community I don’t know the percentage I leave that up to the Police to investigate, people are wrongly accused of this crime all the time and the real culprits are crafty in there pursuit of victims.

I did watch a programme of a house in London where a group of paedophiles frequently visited, young boys who were picked up from railway stations and taken there. One of the men was a Sydney ? I can’t remember his name a horrible individual who the police caught up with.

Yes Sidney Cooke absolute monster

Yes that’s the fella sickening creep, the BBC made a fine documentary revealing how Jason Swift was abused by a ring of paedophiles. Horrific acts on young boys even a six year old Barrie Lewis
There's one young boy, that he confessed to killing, whose body has never been found. He was snatched from a fairground in the 80s. His cousin used to post on here and said all the family wanted was to be told where his remains are so they can say goodbye.
There's one young boy, that he confessed to killing, whose body has never been found. He was snatched from a fairground in the 80s. His cousin used to post on here and said all the family wanted was to be told where his remains are so they can say goodbye.
Mark Tildesley. I remember it well as I was still at school and as kids these stories were always concerning when they made the news headlines as it literally could've been any of us because these monsters only needed a window of opportunity of a few seconds to snatch someone off the streets. Cooke has never faced justice for that murder, although it's highly likely that he was involved. Around the same time, serial killer and paedophile Robert Black was also active. He kidnapped and murdered at least 4 girls - all in broad daylight IIRC - but was thought to be responsible for more murders, including that of Genette Tate.
Mark Tildesley. I remember it well as I was still at school and as kids these stories were always concerning when they made the news headlines as it literally could've been any of us because these monsters only needed a window of opportunity of a few seconds to snatch someone off the streets. Cooke has never faced justice for that murder, although it's highly likely that he was involved. Around the same time, serial killer and paedophile Robert Black was also active. He kidnapped and murdered at least 4 girls - all in broad daylight IIRC - but was thought to be responsible for more murders, including that of Genette Tate.
Yes, that was the lad's name.
I think they just found his bike, left at the fairground.
I know the poster said that his aunt, Marks mum, just wanted to find his remains before she died. A situation very like that of Winnie Johnson, Keith Bennett's mum.
I honestly don't know how, as a parent, you carry on after something like that.
My wife's cousin was abused by her father and uncle. (I can tell you this as she is quite open about it.)

The telling thing is her mother and siblings refused to believe her, and she was alienated from them for years. Only when they were much older did the siblings accept she was not a lying fantasist.

If your own nearest and dearest won't believe you, what hope do victims have of getting the police or a court to believe them?

It's all very dark. There are some very sick bastards out there, never doubt it.
My wife's cousin was abused by her father and uncle. (I can tell you this as she is quite open about it.)

The telling thing is her mother and siblings refused to believe her, and she was alienated from them for years. Only when they were much older did the siblings accept she was not a lying fantasist.

If your own nearest and dearest won't believe you, what hope do victims have of getting the police or a court to believe them?

It's all very dark. There are some very sick bastards out there, never doubt it.
Those who work with victims of child abuse will all have the heard the most unbelievable stories of depravity, savagery and brutality, that are beyond the comprehension and grasp of most. The damage is lifelong, and often irreparable. How do you possibly come to terms with a father who has given you to his paedophile group to abuse and to film and to share?

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