The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Yes, that was the lad's name.
I think they just found his bike, left at the fairground.
I know the poster said that his aunt, Marks mum, just wanted to find his remains before she died. A situation very like that of Winnie Johnson, Keith Bennett's mum.
I honestly don't know how, as a parent, you carry on after something like that.

I met Winnie .....she didn't really carry on .... just a front .
There's one young boy, that he confessed to killing, whose body has never been found. He was snatched from a fairground in the 80s. His cousin used to post on here and said all the family wanted was to be told where his remains are so they can say goodbye.
Agree it’s heartbreaking for the family and friends it’s a double blow, I remember the boy snatched from the fairground it was on the news, part of the perverted insane pleasure these criminals feel, is withholding where they buried the body and (the police may find more evidence of other crimes committed)

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