There MUST be something we can do!

Gelsons Dad said:
It's clear now that the players don't expect to get any decisions. Aguero should have had a pen and Royston Vasey should have been sent off.

I honestly think these decisions and suspensions are sucking the life out of the team at a vital time in the season.

thought the same thing, they, like fans like myself, think its just not worth turning up.

they have won.
de niro said:
Gelsons Dad said:
It's clear now that the players don't expect to get any decisions. Aguero should have had a pen and Royston Vasey should have been sent off.

I honestly think these decisions and suspensions are sucking the life out of the team at a vital time in the season.

thought the same thing, they, like fans like myself, think its just not worth turning up.

they have won.
As I've said; that attitude is limp and weak. We'll never win anything if even one fan shows this attitude.

It doesn't matter what anyone throws at you, to be a champion you have to have the heart of a lion and the mentality that no fucker will ever ever ever get the better of you!

BRING IT FUCKING ON, ALL OF YOU CUNTS! I'M FUCKING UP FOR THIS! As everyone should be no matter what goes against us!
danburge82 said:
de niro said:
Gelson's Dad said:
It's clear now that the players don't expect to get any decisions. Aguero should have had a pen and Royston Vasey should have been sent off.

I honestly think these decisions and suspensions are sucking the life out of the team at a vital time in the season.

thought the same thing, they, like fans like myself, think its just not worth turning up.

they have won.
As I've said; that attitude is limp and weak. We'll never win anything if even one fan shows this attitude.

It doesn't matter what anyone throws at you, to be a champion you have to have the heart of a lion and the mentality that no fucker will ever ever ever get the better of you!

BRING IT FUCKING ON, ALL OF YOU CUNTS! I'M FUCKING UP FOR THIS! As everyone should be no matter what goes against us!

too much money, too much time, too much sacrifice and too much cheating makes it not worth bothering.
strongbowholic said:
Another reason I turned it off was listening to the statistical inanity that is Martin Tyler's commentary.

"Everton have won 7 of the last 9 here against City" he managed to tell us on at least 10 occasions. On one occasion he even managed to throw in "...the have history on their side, if not the resources..." - is that not a dig and somewhat unprofessional?

Reading that back, it possibly looks petty, but it's yet another example of the little things making a bigger picture and turning me off football.

Like I've said, I've really had enough and I'm not sure I can be arsed anymore. Probably feel different in the morning but this feeling is becoming stronger and stronger with each passing game.

And I agree it's affecting the players too. They clearly don't know which way things will fall if they make a tackle.

Enough already.

to be fair, I think he just wants the underdog to win most times.

He goes nuts when Yaya slots in against the rags in the sem-final, if I recall.
Magicpants said:
Yes the referee was his usual dodgy self but he didn't decide the result, we were fucking shit again, snails pace tippy tappy football with no end product.

67% possesion and Tim Howard didn't have one save to make in 90 minutes, that's not the referee, that is the result of another abject performance by the entire team with the exception of the back 4 and Milner, even at 1-0 up with 10 minutes to go, Everton still looked the most likely to score.

We are rapidly becoming the new arsenal, completely clueless against any team that decides to defend deep and counter.

When common sense tells you that if a team is packing their area with 5-6 defenders you should be stretching the game by using the wide areas to put in crosses, Mancini brings on Kolarov and Johnson I assume to do exactly that and what happens? we continue to play pointless one twos on the edge of the area in the hope we can run it in through a totally overcrowded area.

Enough of this agenda bollocks, the sky isn't falling but we have been consistantly shite for months now, completely one dimensional and lacking in ideas beyond pointless sideways passes and pretty flicks that go nowhere.

Its not all bad, we are top of the league but we are doing our best to throw it away and unless big changes are made to our formation and mentality we will continue to struggle against any team that isn't prepared to try and out attack us, which is 17 of the 19 teams we play week in, week out.
How on fucking earth can you say the ref didn't decide the result, of course he did for not awarding 2 stonewall pen and sent off that will give us the advantage
Lots of valid points on this thread.

1. We didnt play well enough
2. Not enough players up for the fight.
3. We got frustrated and ran out of ideas.
4. No plan B from Mancini
5. Incorrect substitutions, ( De Jong for Barry at 1-0 down what is that going to change ? )

It has got to benefit the Rags when they can walk across the white line and be confident of getting big decisions, penalties, hardly and yellow or red cards etc whilst we seem to get fuck all.

I do feel as though it is bent but also agree that the players can still overcome this by just going out and doing the business.

To answer the original question posed on the thread.

Lets kidnap the ref that sent Kompany off in the derby cup game, cut one of his bollocks off, get a red card and force it ups his japs eye and tattoo "DONT FUCK WITH M.C.F.C" on his fucking face. Sounds like a good start for an action plan Glen :)
Fast track camera technology , set out the rules and make them clear and concise , and take the decision making away from these attention seeking whores . I dont even want to know there bleeding names , they are officials who seem too friendly with the players to me. All this signed shirts for their charity business is a joke I challenge anybody to try and be friendly with the arbitrator or such a person who judges you in your own place of business and it is frowned upon to be that close as it is unprofessional and can be seen as a conflict of interest. All they are there to do is keep it civil .

How do the English FA expect us to show Respect , when the game of football is open to what I see as exploitation. What the feck , you can bet on yellow and red cards now . And your telling me some of these criminal betting gangs arent tapping these refs up . Especially with some of the criminal decisions seen these days, not just at City but throughout the game . Sorry for the rant , but I`ve made the decision to not bother going to the games until we have an even playing field .

I just hope City win this league fair and square , nobody can take it away from us then.
When Howard Jumped on Lescott's back and I heard the whistle ,I thought finally a fucking penalty and a deserved one ,a definite one ,well spotted for once.
Then when he gave them a free kick,I nearly ended it all.My 10th final straw just this month.
strongbowholic said:
Another reason I turned it off was listening to the statistical inanity that is Martin Tyler's commentary.

"Everton have won 7 of the last 9 here against City" he managed to tell us on at least 10 occasions. On one occasion he even managed to throw in "...the have history on their side, if not the resources..." - is that not a dig and somewhat unprofessional?

Reading that back, it possibly looks petty, but it's yet another example of the little things making a bigger picture and turning me off football.

Like I've said, I've really had enough and I'm not sure I can be arsed anymore. Probably feel different in the morning but this feeling is becoming stronger and stronger with each passing game.

And I agree it's affecting the players too. They clearly don't know which way things will fall if they make a tackle.

Enough already.
I second your feelings, the referee`s have knocked the stuffing out of the players as well as me. Its so frustrating when you see injustice right in you`re face & theres nothing you can do. I`m starting to despise the game its so bent.
Need to start being more professional and for that you can read cynical.

Richards should have lain motionless on the turf instead of getting up immediately and Everton would probably have been down to ten men.

Dzeko sat like a spoilt child as Everton went up the park and scored. Again, had he lain motionless, a free-kick might have been given or the game might have been stopped.

Lescott should have crumpled to the ground under contact in the box and the players surrounded the referee in protest.

Many will say this is wrong but there have been umpteen examples in past weeks of City players acting naively and making it easier on the referee. It's part of gaining experience and we'll keep struggling and, probably crash out of Europe as well, before we learn.

We should also use Platt as the spokesman after games, as he can point out the inconsistencies more effectively than Mancini. If you want a contrast, look at Ferguson last night. Asked about the penalties they received, he didn't comment- why should he they were given and scored- but instead he bemoaned the two they were denied; pressure straight on next referee.

Steep learning curve for everyone at the club, including us.

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