Things that annoy you about the British

The motorway network, the rail network, British airways, the one show, the bbc, the media, most politicians and political parties, supermarkets, the weather. Chris Evans.
Other than that it's ok sometimes.
Obviously, there's a great deal more that ye lot get right than wrong but since the question has been asked, my top three:

This knee-jerk war-mongering streak ye have got. Given the latest news, I need hardly elaborate but suffice to say, that it demeans an otherwise largely decent and welcoming people to constantly be putting their working classes (and it largely IS the working classes!) through this horror, every half a generation.
Closely related to this is the constant reference to WWII. I'm sorry but the Battle of Britain does not justify the Gulf War. Any same person knows this. Every British person reading this will agree with me but yet ye still allow yourselves to be manipulated by slimy prick politicians who like to subtly infer that it does.

The constant blind acceptance that "the British [insert random institution here] is probably the finest of its kind in the world".
This is usually used to pooh-pooh some incontrovertible argument and justify the continuation of an institutionalised flaw within the status quo.
Don't get me wrong, the thing in question, be it the BBC, the Justice System or whatever else may well be fantastic in many ways but no institution should be protected from analysis by such bland defensive tactics.
For a nation with a great deal of critical thinkers ye are quite susceptible to have a bit of jingoistic smoke blown up your collective arse.
(Mind you, I must admit that I don't have to look beyond this greener, more civilised island to find another race who are just as susceptible).

(3) ... The big one...

The class system and, particularly, the way that it's so ingrained within education.
Education (combined with the requisite intelligence, of course) should be one of the two* great vehicles for social mobility but the British system, more than any almost other in the Western World, seems predicated to nullifying this, in all but the most exceptional of cases.

(*Marriage is the other great vehicle, before you ask).
Obviously, there's a great deal more that ye lot get right than wrong but since the question has been asked, my top three:

This knee-jerk war-mongering streak ye have got. Given the latest news, I need hardly elaborate but suffice to say, that it demeans an otherwise largely decent and welcoming people to constantly be putting their working classes (and it largely IS the working classes!) through this horror, every half a generation.
Closely related to this is the constant reference to WWII. I'm sorry but the Battle of Britain does not justify the Gulf War. Any same person knows this. Every British person reading this will agree with me but yet ye still allow yourselves to be manipulated by slimy prick politicians who like to subtly infer that it does.

The constant blind acceptance that "the British [insert random institution here] is probably the finest of its kind in the world".
This is usually used to pooh-pooh some incontrovertible argument and justify the continuation of an institutionalised flaw within the status quo.
Don't get me wrong, the thing in question, be it the BBC, the Justice System or whatever else may well be fantastic in many ways but no institution should be protected from analysis by such bland defensive tactics.
For a nation with a great deal of critical thinkers ye are quite susceptible to have a bit of jingoistic smoke blown up your collective arse.
(Mind you, I must admit that I don't have to look beyond this greener, more civilised island to find another race who are just as susceptible).

(3) ... The big one...

The class system and, particularly, the way that it's so ingrained within education.
Education (combined with the requisite intelligence, of course) should be one of the two* great vehicles for social mobility but the British system, more than any almost other in the Western World, seems predicated to nullifying this, in all but the most exceptional of cases.

(*Marriage is the other great vehicle, before you ask).
Some really good points there, mate.
I love his country. There's so much about it that I enjoy. I think we have the most beautiful countryside and an English village is a truly wonderful thing. So much variety from Cornwall, to Dorset through to Warwickshire and Yorkshire. I also think we have some incredible towns and cities: London, Bath, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, York, Wolverhampton.

I think for a lot of people it boils down to the weather. It really doesn't bother me, apart for a few weeks in Jan/Feb, maybe and I think on the rare days the sun does shine it's the most incredible place on earth.

And I really like the people. I like our sense of humour and generally good manners and respect for the rule of law. We are a temperate people, but far from dull.

I'm glad I was born here, even though it has its many faults. Where doesn't?

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