Third party ticket sites and City (dodgy site ticket claims - p32)

An official package like this, which I don’t agree with, is different to the agencies selling home & away tickets at hugely inflated prices with no transparency on the source.

I think we can agree that the ticket system needs to be more transparent.

If you can see a fundamental difference between City directly giving Sportsworld whole blocks of tickets for high demand games to sell at whatever price they like with a night’s stay added on top and them supplying the likes of Viagogo and Ticketmaster to sell in the same way just without the room, then you’re seeing something that is beyond me.
Every game there are different accents and faces near us every match. And I'm fed up of getting up and down in the match for them to come in late and go early at half time and full time. But that is probably for another thread.
The worst offenders for that aren't so called tourists,the worst offenders are S/C holders. I've been buying matchday tickets for years and it's one of my biggest bugbears.I can tell it's S/C holders because when they arrive late or leave early they always sem to need to stand and say hello/goodbye to all their mates around them, they are usually the biggest moaners too.
just been on a selling site, tickets for city end start at over 400 notes and thats at the top, so had a look for utd end and same, goverment dont like touts but these selling sites are far worst
Can you imagine the shit PL clubs would get if they were selling tickets for £500 from their own ticket site ? Hiding behind these agencies is how they are escape what is essentially a racket.

Football has gone exactly the same way the gig industry has.

Live Nation realised Viagogo were making huge revenue flogging secondary sale tickets for huge mark ups. They wanted those profits so introduced surge pricing for elite artists. They introduced a resale option via their Ticketmaster operation - so if you can’t go they are selling it not Viagogo.

Football is going the same way. Fuck off seasoncards and concessions - they want affluent customers paying top dollar for the PL experience.

A good journo will eventually expose all this shit for big PL clubs.
A good journo….good look finding one
If you can see a fundamental difference between City directly giving Sportsworld whole blocks of tickets for high demand games to sell at whatever price they like with a night’s stay added on top and them supplying the likes of Viagogo and Ticketmaster to sell in the same way just without the room, then you’re seeing something that is beyond me.
Yes, I can see a difference. SportsWorld is an official partner and the package, while expensive, will most likely have the mark up on the hotel and not the ticket, wouldn’t surprise me if there were a couple of ‘souvenirs’ included in the package too. The ticket agencies are selling a standard ticket with a huge mark up, the source of these isn’t established as being the club directly, nor is it clear that the club are receiving any more than face value for tickets sold that way. On the other hand they don’t seem to be interested in doing anything to stop it either which is disappointing, as others have said it wouldn’t be difficult for them to determine the sources and put things in place to prevent it happening.
So by that, if season tickets are made available by the club again when the North stand is expanded, it could be lottery getting one, with everyone who wants a season ticket in with a chance of getting one?

I sincerely hope the club still has the now defunct season ticket waiting list stored on a device somewhere and go back to it if new season tickets do become available again?

Obviously you can only guess a number, but I hope anywhere between 5000 as a minimum, to 6000 new season tickets become available on NSL2 and across the ground when the North stand is expanded. That would still leave 3000 to 2000 match day tickets.

Has there been any assurances from the club of the breakdown of what the new stand will compose of? I'm not getting my hopes up in case I get disappointed. They may try and fob people off with this new flexi as their new offering of a season ticket now and not offer as many as we all think.

I'd like them to do a rolling games attended over a specified time period (3-5 years say) than points to reward those that are still attending regularly.

Every game there are different accents and faces near us every match. And I'm fed up of getting up and down in the match for them to come in late and go early at half time and full time. But that is probably for another thread.

Yes, I'm moving next year. Rather be with like minded blues in South Stand and sacrifice a bit of view.

Wherever you are you'll be up and down like a whores nickers though. The exodus on 30 minutes for the half-time pint in the South Stand being one of the worst.
Although it pains me to reference them, Liverpool for an example are completely transparent about their season ticket numbers. They now have 26k after a further thousand new ones were issued with the opening of the expanded Anfield Road stand. There is a waiting list that has been closed to join for over ten years but where everyone on it can see their number in the queue and can see how they have moved up marginally each year (estimated wait is around 30 years).

The club is moving as quickly as possible to get closer to the proportion of SCs as them so I'd expect a nominal number of new ones being sold when the expanded NS opens. It will be filled with relocations (with many vacated seats not offered as SCs), GA & GA+ and a token number of new SCs. As a SC holder I'm aware that I'm in a very privileged position and it is why I've advised people who were saying they were thinking of not renewing to reconsider. The chances of the vast majority of people who currently want one actually getting one are slim to zero.
Has there been any assurances from the club of the breakdown of what the new stand will compose of? I'm not getting my hopes up in case I get disappointed. They may try and fob people off with this new flexi as their new offering of a season ticket now and not offer as many as we all think.

I'd like them to do a rolling games attended over a specified time period (3-5 years say) than points to reward those that are still attending regularly.

Yes, I'm moving next year. Rather be with like minded blues in South Stand and sacrifice a bit of view.

Wherever you are you'll be up and down like a whores nickers though. The exodus on 30 minutes for the half-time pint in the South Stand being one of the worst.
It really winds me up.
I think the team fall off from Pep leaving, (you only have to look at Liverpool to see how hard it is to get the right manager to replace Klopp), in the coming years, will focus minds at City with an extra 8000 seats to fill. When there is an inevitable downturn in the teams performance after Pep leaves, the legacy and hardcore fans will still turn up, will our new supporters, day trippers, tourists and football fans still turn up?
When there is an inevitable downturn in the teams performance after Pep leaves, the legacy and hardcore fans will still turn up, will our new supporters, day trippers, tourists and football fans still turn up?

Probably not, but that said the rags still get the tourists in despite their drop off.
But if things start looking patchy with selling out games, that might be when the irons hot enough to strike in regards to getting season tickets for family and friends and reclaiming ones that were not renewed.

Think of it as an intermission

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