This building will look very different

Is it a poster or spray paint?

Looks that the design has been printed onto large plastic seets which are then screwed into the wall of the building, it looks far more permanent than a poster and no doubn they will be able to change it whenever they want which is better and quicker than paint.
adzmcfc134 said:
Just drove past. About three quarters done. A war like collage with Mancini in the middle and lots of flags in the background. Looks class. Milner is on it too, god knows how they got him on there so quickly.

i drove past today and noticed Milner. Super Mario is on there too.
It's the same as what is on the south stand near entrance P.
Reminds me of those cold war posters from Russia...It's like a revolution type group with flags etc charging towards you...I was quite impressed...would look great on a t shirt.
Pigeonho said:
And people wonder why the media have a pop at us. To OTT all this.


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