"This is how it feels to be City" - new blog article

I’m in my late 30′s now. Okay, I’ll be 40 in May. Things have changed. A lot. My boy went to his first match this season, he saw Sergio Aguero score a hat-trick (for us! Say it out loud). I went to Wembley three times last year. We’ll be back again too. We spent more time at the top of the league during the last 12 months than we had during my entire lifetime. My granddad is no longer with us, but a new generation is here to carry the blue torch.
This blog post gave me chills. The more I learn about City as a new fan, the more I admire and respect all the generations that have supported the team over the years through thick and thin.

I hope you all never lose what made it special to be a City fan all those years. I think the stadium should have a special place for hardcore fans only who will carry the torch for years to come and ensure the right kind of atmosphere.

I hope to be in England in the near future and will definitely try to attend a City match.
Excellent Piece. Visit my new historic blog at <a class="postlink" href="http://city1894.blogspot.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://city1894.blogspot.com</a> and see what you think.
maroon-blue said:
Hi everyone, thanks for the fantastic response. I'm really glad you like it. Here's to the future!


Quite eerie reading that for me as my memories are very similar to his and brought a few other memories back I'd like to share.

Also born in DROYLSDEN
I too was born a BLUE BABY leaving me rhesus negative forever making sure blue blood runs in my veins until I die.
First match at Maine Road, NORWICH CITY (2-1 in 73-74) but that was me hooked. A trip taken on a Manchester day out as we then lived in CHADDERTON.
Remember my first European night against Widzew Lodz in 77 as a 13 year old and sure I remember Donachie getting sent off for a round the neck tackle also the first year I had a season ticket for the Kippax £45 I think!

Went home and away for the first time the season after courtesy of the blue bar staff at my mums pub (she wouldnt let me go away on my own).
Cant remember which year but recall being at Elland Road for a game with a very hairy atmosphere, some mad blue at half time at the bar whacked a till draw out of a girls hands scattering the contents into the air and onto the floor making a free for all. Think it was a draw and remember the draw for the cup taking place on the way home on the bus and drawing Leeds away to a very loud cheer!

It was a time of bags with patch(map) pockets and docs, pin badges and silk scarves tied around wrist which I gleefully waved as I danced off the 216 in Piccadilly or Stevie Square and legged it over to catch the 53 to the match. The Kool Cats were the notorious hard element of the blues and there were always groups of skinheads dotted about on the walk through to Maine Road and round the North Stand to the Kippax even though it was only 12 o clock!

For several years my spot was the centre line wall of Kippax for every home game as I was always one of the first in when the turnstiles opened. Got told off by a big burly copper for calling Wallace of Coventry a "ginger twat" as the ball came over for a throw in and he retrieved it. There always used to be a gang of girls about 15-16 years old who regaled me of stories of lurking about outside players houses to get signed pictures and showed me their spoils remember a Steve Kinsey one being wafted in my direction with the added spice of "Got a snog with that one" from one very pretty girl with a particularly big pair of boobs which always seemed to be fighting to escape her particularly tight tops that she always wore, Jammy bastard I thought! (him of course)

Moved when I got to 17 to next to the away fans dodging goz and fireworks on cold November days but the atmosphere was electric in big games ducking under the bars to avoid being crushed when the crowd surged forward. Remember being gutted I couldnt get a wembley ticket in 81 and had to settle for watching it on the tele. Couldnt stay in after the defeat on the Thursday and wandered the streets looking for cats to kick and bumping into fellow blues of my own age doing the same thing.

By mid eighties we were a second rate side and remember joining in the "Swales out protests" but still had some good days particularly the Huddersfield 10-1.Got in with Alan Potter (he of the Disco Pants) and the boys from Dukinfield and remember stopping off in Chesterfield on the way to taking over Notts County where every City bus was cheered through the town centre and an eventfull day was had by all as the fences came down fortunately after I'd climbed over one to be right behind the nets. Then the humbling of Charlton on a glorious day at Maine Road ruined by one of GMP's finest who allowed us onto the pitch at the end and thumped me in the earhole as I rushed on with thousands of others. Even the ringing in my ears wasnt enough to spoil the day.

1988 and I couldnt get to the last game of the season against Bradford as I was at my mates wedding and was in the foyer on the phone at Carriages in Droylsden (In the good old days you could ring 261 and get live commentary on Piccadilly Radio) with the best man and the groom. Morley scored and we were up and a rollicking good time was had by all at the reception!

89's highlight was having all the buttons on my coat ripped off in the Kippax by my best mate as Hinchcliffe nodded in the 5th in a famous victory only recently overshadowed.

Went through a period of meeting at the Brunswick in town and travelling with Mr Francis and the boys. Remember one particular Birmingham evening match where Brum fans invaded the pitch at the end and coined us in the away corner a PWC copping a 10p right between the eyes stood next to me and splitting her fod open. The roll call for the bus on the way home had more absentees than those present and as the missing were called out the odd voice piped up "Nicked" or "Hospital". Plenty of similar days out too at Leicester - getting caught on the wrong side of the ground and Barnsley where bumping into a group of blues from Dukinfield supporters club of whom I knew a few saved my bacon. They were absent when one year I got a good kicking at Everton and I curtailed my bus adventures with DF and the chaps.

Amidst the morass of mediocrity were glum times of being at York in the teams worst period and despite this I used to meet some older blues for a pint prematch in the Crown in Openshaw (Now no more) who said I was fortunate not to watch us under George Poyser if I thought we were bad now!

So for any visiting fans to the forum who reckon we have no history or that we have suddenly become some form of glory hunters (laughable really) this is where I was when we were shit and I can assure as many as want to listen that there were thousands of us!

Got caught rambling there I'm afraid wallowing in nostalgia wonder if it jerked a few memories in others?

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