This Malcom Glazer website getting tasty

From Rolando
Date 17-1-2010 13:20:36
Country Taiwan
Message Me love united since little kipper i be

Arex Furgesson is goodest manager of long time and with his bestest players of Vandal sarrs and son of neville neville, we will be victoria over little club in blue in cup league semi on.

I hope tat once my gender re alignment surgery is complete to visit the wonderful city of Salford and the bootiful bury of trafford to see my Malcom's boys take world cup.

forward with Glazer

m27 said:
I actually know the vast majority of the 'MIBS' and they don't own a computer between them. I wouldn't worry.

Knuckle friendly keyboard hasnt been invented yet..
Swales lives said:
I like this one:

Date: 17-1-2010 13:31:31
Message: I'm loving you cockney wankers, threatening to kill people.
You're not rattled are you by any chance. PS How much d'you want for the Grannyshagger??

Shame about the name.

Just goes to show we have some cunts as big as them.
mat said:
Swales lives said:
I like this one:

Date: 17-1-2010 13:31:31
Message: I'm loving you cockney wankers, threatening to kill people.
You're not rattled are you by any chance. PS How much d'you want for the Grannyshagger??

Shame about the name.

Just goes to show we have some ***** as big as them.

Got to admit, that is a bit much that name
mcfcliam said:

From MIB
Date 16-1-2010 15:14:33
Country UK
Message Fucking sad city scum posting on here. Your all just a bunch of bitters from Bluemoon-mcfc. Your all sad and pathetic.
De Niro -Peadophile
Ric turner - Wanker
Stoney - DeNiros Rent Boy
And as for 100%MANC your a dead man walking pal. think your clever with your photo shops do you? You better watch it son coz you have the whole MIB's after you and WE WILL KILL YOU. you wont be able to walk around manchester without getting attacked fella so if I was you i would FUCK OFF down to london or somewhere

Awwwww thanks MIB's I always wanted to be in the manchester version of Bugsy Malone

The Glazer website. Serious thought.

Why haven't any of those half-wits over there been reported for posting threats to kill on an internet website?

All joking aside, a bit of football-related banter is part and parcel of the game, but surely what they're doing is illegal? Pam, DeNiro, 100% Manc, etc: they've all been on the receiving end of some pretty nasty comments.

Might be worth looking into.

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