This Malcom Glazer website getting tasty

great photoshops boy, specially liking pidghino on the shoulder of the last man.....

that website.... i tell you there are some belly-ache posts on there all the way back to the start... I won't copy them here because they are a bit near the knuckle.

i sat up on thursday and read hundreds, I think I think I laughed too much and my brain went funny, couldn't sleep properly or anything.
bizzbo said:
great photoshops boy, specially liking pidghino on the shoulder of the last man.....

that website.... i tell you there are some belly-ache posts on there all the way back to the start... I won't copy them here because they are a bit near the knuckle.

i sat up on thursday and read hundreds, I think I think I laughed too much and my brain went funny, couldn't sleep properly or anything.

I did the same, sat here for about an hour reading them out to my mate, we had to stop as it was hurting... very good at the start and when they lose to Leeds.

As for the threats from the MIB - there are a few of them on there, and i thought all of them were written by someone from here... even the one threatening people... and if it is real, its just as funny... got to laugh at some 14 year old internet warrior...
Some are very funny and rip the piss but for me this is the one I enjoyed the most...

From Louis
Date 16-1-2010 21:40:09
Country England
Message united are the biggest club in the world. how did we let some yankee exploit us for his own personal gain and turn us into a club which looks destined for failure. all united fans have got to get together and take serious action. we should at least be like barcelona and take ownership of the club ourselves. preferably there must be a sound investor out there to save united

You can feel the pain. The deluded clown.
m27 said:
aye,i know that,is it some gang or something.

Yeah, a gang for balding fat men in their 40s and 50s and 14 year olds from Moston who wear black Nike sportswear from head to chavvy toe.
shittin maself now :),,,Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones,yer a pair of wankers (hard as fuck me )
100%manc said:
Trigger said:
Cue 100% Manc - could we please have a Glazer photoshop with City shirts and/or Mancini scarves on PLEASE!


Thank you, oh God of the photoshop kingdom!

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