This Weekends other Games

Shite team or not, I wouldn't bother worrying about Chelsea/Liverpool... best thing we can do is focus on our own games, if we fall short, so be it. But the very least the fans, the club and the players can do is drive this title race right down to the final week.
mat said:

Picture like this make me want us to do a last day Sergio on them.

It would be better than 11/12. Liverpools reaction would be far more funnier than uniteds.
Theengelbert said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Liverpool: Mignolet, Johnson, Skrtel, Sakho, Flanagan, Lucas, Gerrard(c), Allen, Coutinho, Sterling, Suarez.
Subs: Jones, Toure, Agger, Cissokho, Luis Alberto, Iago Aspas, Sturridge.

Chelsea: Schwarzer, Azpilicueta, Ivanovic, Kalas, Cole, Mikel, Matic, Lampard(c), Salah, Schurrle, Ba.
Subs: Hilario, Ake, Cahill, Baker, Van Ginkel, Willian, Torres.

Referee: Martin Atkinson.

Not a bad Chelsea team, not as weakened as I was worried about.

Question.. Who would take a point right now for the dippers chelski match?
Not really, due to us needing them to drop more points in their last two matches (along with us winning our last four). I suppose a point is better than a kick up the arse but we really need them drop all 3 today, seeing as it's their most difficult remaining game.

cookster said:
Not a bad Chelsea side but the centre of defence looks soft.

Hoping Dippers luck runs out today, must be due a bad decision against them or two!
At Candlefield? Are you serious?
Chelsea got to keep it tight for the first 20 mins, longer the game goes on scoreless dippers will tire.

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