This Weekends other Prem Games Discussion Thread

The most annoying thing that will come from today is people still thinking Glen Johnson is a good footballer and still the right choice for England.

12 points ahead of Chelsea with 12 games played is luuurvely though.
On the basis that Chelsea could possibly be a threat to us and the Dippers couldn't be a threat in a million years I have been supporting them this afternoon.

I feel as dirty as a Vicar after a visit to a Brothel. I am going for a shower.
If we turn up, and don't chuck in the sort of dismal, utterly dogshit displays of last season at Anfield and the bridge, we should be looking at six points against those defences, especially as these are teams who will expose themselves by having a go rather than parking the bus. Tailor made for us to tear apart on the counter. It's no coincidence that our biggest wins were at similar sides in Spurs and the rags.
Scouse win all down to Chelsea deficiencies. They did nothing 2nd half and Johnson was in trouble most of it as Chelsea pinged crosses in. I would be looking at that for next week coz if we get enough ball in for Edin he could have another fookin field day.Going 4-5-1 with an extra body (Henderson) stemmed the tide and they got lucky through Chelsea´s all too clear defensive frailties. Their back four looks shot as do Fat Frank and Drog
AVB is staring into the abyss of a Ruskie oligarchic maelstrom. Thought he could play gun-slinging , hootin tootin , all out attacking football but it will turn out a bad game of Russian roulette. Five blanks have disappeared down the barrel already I fear
Blue Haze said:
How much longer does AVB have? He's lost to all the big clubs and QPR.

Going by the amount of money it cost to get him in, he's got to have at least a season surely?
Ntini77 said:
Can't help but feel we'll lose at Anfield next week...

Have you got next weeks lottery numbers as well?

Lets talk this through then

On what basis do you predict this loss? Is it Liverpool's run of form and their goal scoring prowess? Are they a better side than us? Have they got a better manager than us? What part of their game plan will be our undoing? Are we in poor form going in to he game? Have we beaten better teams this season?

I await your answers

Of course you could well be right, however on current form the answer is we should be quite confident, not over confident but confident enough not to be going into to fits of mass hysterics,

Now Relax

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