Thugs kill puppy by stamping on its head

Esteban de la Sexface said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
This is actually perverted, I'd leave the little arseholes in a room with a pack of rabid dogs, see how hard they are then, if they live then fair enough they can walk free, if they're mauled to death then Lady Karma has had her way.

Cruelty to animals is pathetic.

your alright with cruelty to humans though, funny that

I prefer animals to humans, yes.
texas pete said:
This is horrific.

Bring back the death penalty.

I'm against the death penalty but it's acts like these (cruelty towards something/one helpless) that make me waiver on the subject. If they don't respect life why should their life be respected? I know one thing for sure, I'd love to kick the shit out of the degenerate who did this.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
your alright with cruelty to humans though, funny that

I prefer animals to humans, yes.

You're going to give me that bollocks about animals never started a war, lied to me, broke my sweet little heart..

Animals never created a masterpiece, or composed a sonnet.

Do you like animals that kill other animals?
ElanJo said:
texas pete said:
This is horrific.

Bring back the death penalty.

I'm against the death penalty but it's acts like these (cruelty towards something/one helpless) that make me waiver on the subject. If they don't respect life why should their life be respected? I know one thing for sure, I'd love to kick the shit out of the degenerate who did this.

After reading this I actually feel as though I could pull the trigger on these little shits and NEVER feel any remorse. My piss is well and truely boiled.

I am sure I would feel remorse eventually.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I prefer animals to humans, yes.

You're going to give me that bollocks about animals never started a war, lied to me, broke my sweet little heart..

Animals never created a masterpiece, or composed a sonnet.

Do you like animals that kill other animals?

I wasn't going to say any of the above.

Animals kill other animals as it is their nature and they do not possess the cognitive thought to commit or not commit an act that could be deemed wrong.

Humans on the other hand are capable of choosing to do things or not despite what our nature tells us.

If a dog sees a dog it fancies it runs over and slams itself into them. If I see a girl I fancy I might want to run over and shag her there and then but my human mind knows this is wrong so instead I do nothing.

The guy who stamped on the dog had a choice, he chose to kill the dog.

It all comes down to choice. I choose to not eat flesh of any kind but I do not begrudge other animals eating flesh as they have no choice, they are a slave to their nature. Thankfully, we are not.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
You're going to give me that bollocks about animals never started a war, lied to me, broke my sweet little heart..

Animals never created a masterpiece, or composed a sonnet.

Do you like animals that kill other animals?

I wasn't going to say any of the above.

Animals kill other animals as it is their nature and they do not possess the cognitive thought to commit or not commit an act that could be deemed wrong.

Humans on the other hand are capable of choosing to do things or not despite what our nature tells us.

If a dog sees a dog it fancies it runs over and slams itself into them. If I see a girl I fancy I might want to run over and shag her there and then but my human mind knows this is wrong so instead I do nothing.

The guy who stamped on the dog had a choice, he chose to kill the dog.

It all comes down to choice. I choose to not eat flesh of any kind but I do not begrudge other animals eating flesh as they have no choice, they are a slave to their nature. Thankfully, we are not.

I bet if you saw a nice tree you'd slam it without a second thought.. fecking hippy :)

surely by your reckoning then, rather than leaving a human in a room with a pack of savage dogs, the human could be redeemed and could then make the choice to atone for his actions.

A lot of pre-pubescent or adolescent males are hardwired and cognitive thought goes out the window. especially in a pack culture.

In the right environment this little shit could grow to be a nice man and could start a charity to help save abandoned puppies.

Everyone deserves a chance mate.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I wasn't going to say any of the above.

Animals kill other animals as it is their nature and they do not possess the cognitive thought to commit or not commit an act that could be deemed wrong.

Humans on the other hand are capable of choosing to do things or not despite what our nature tells us.

If a dog sees a dog it fancies it runs over and slams itself into them. If I see a girl I fancy I might want to run over and shag her there and then but my human mind knows this is wrong so instead I do nothing.

The guy who stamped on the dog had a choice, he chose to kill the dog.

It all comes down to choice. I choose to not eat flesh of any kind but I do not begrudge other animals eating flesh as they have no choice, they are a slave to their nature. Thankfully, we are not.

I bet if you saw a nice tree you'd slam it without a second thought.. fecking hippy :)

surely by your reckoning then, rather than leaving a human in a room with a pack of savage dogs, the human could be redeemed and could then make the choice to atone for his actions.

A lot of pre-pubescent or adolescent males are hardwired and cognitive thought goes out the window. especially in a pack culture.

In the right environment this little shit could grow to be a nice man and could start a charity to help save abandoned puppies.

Everyone deserves a chance mate.

Very much doubtful, there's got to be a few cards missing from your deck if you have an urge to stamp on an helpless creatures head.

Also the majority of serial killers start out by torturing/killing animal
Esteban de la Sexface said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I wasn't going to say any of the above.

Animals kill other animals as it is their nature and they do not possess the cognitive thought to commit or not commit an act that could be deemed wrong.

Humans on the other hand are capable of choosing to do things or not despite what our nature tells us.

If a dog sees a dog it fancies it runs over and slams itself into them. If I see a girl I fancy I might want to run over and shag her there and then but my human mind knows this is wrong so instead I do nothing.

The guy who stamped on the dog had a choice, he chose to kill the dog.

It all comes down to choice. I choose to not eat flesh of any kind but I do not begrudge other animals eating flesh as they have no choice, they are a slave to their nature. Thankfully, we are not.

I bet if you saw a nice tree you'd slam it without a second thought.. fecking hippy :)

surely by your reckoning then, rather than leaving a human in a room with a pack of savage dogs, the human could be redeemed and could then make the choice to atone for his actions.

A lot of pre-pubescent or adolescent males are hardwired and cognitive thought goes out the window. especially in a pack culture.

In the right environment this little shit could grow to be a nice man and could start a charity to help save abandoned puppies.

Everyone deserves a chance mate.

It's difficult. I was a bit of a shit in my teens and some of the lads I knocked about with were a lot worse but none of us would have ever stamped on a puppy, that's going way too far, I stand by my claim that it is actually perverted.

As for redemption, I'm sure the lad in question could change his ways but he will not be helped to do so, prison does not rehabilitate after all so unless he decides to change off his own back then we're stuck sharing oxygen with someone who would do such a thing.

I'm against the death penalty, my solution seemed fair as it was a little bit of do unto others as they do unto you and there's no guarantee the lad would die, he could just be mauled and left alive so we'd both be happy :)
Start defending the kids? Someone on here will. Big Animal lover here, and If I saw the incident myself, well i'd be behind bars now cos I'd do the same to the youth.

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