Thugs kill puppy by stamping on its head

F....g carm down now, I will offer the young men an olive branch to redeem themselves, if they walk into any Careers Information Office and come an join us in the Armed Forces we will teach them some discipline and after that will take them out of area to become a man. I work along side some 18 year olds that would show them a thing or two and who I would trust to look after my back. These lot not a f.... chance. But the chance is there if you think your up for it!!
cnut thats the bottom line and i hope the police catch up with the little cnut, pathetic thats what he is
Esteban de la Sexface said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I wasn't going to say any of the above.

Animals kill other animals as it is their nature and they do not possess the cognitive thought to commit or not commit an act that could be deemed wrong.

Humans on the other hand are capable of choosing to do things or not despite what our nature tells us.

If a dog sees a dog it fancies it runs over and slams itself into them. If I see a girl I fancy I might want to run over and shag her there and then but my human mind knows this is wrong so instead I do nothing.

The guy who stamped on the dog had a choice, he chose to kill the dog.

It all comes down to choice. I choose to not eat flesh of any kind but I do not begrudge other animals eating flesh as they have no choice, they are a slave to their nature. Thankfully, we are not.

I bet if you saw a nice tree you'd slam it without a second thought.. fecking hippy :)

surely by your reckoning then, rather than leaving a human in a room with a pack of savage dogs, the human could be redeemed and could then make the choice to atone for his actions.

A lot of pre-pubescent or adolescent males are hardwired and cognitive thought goes out the window. especially in a pack culture.

In the right environment this little shit could grow to be a nice man and could start a charity to help save abandoned puppies.

Everyone deserves a chance mate.

Fuckin hell mate, you're critiscizing tmq for being a tree hugger yet you're hugging arsewipes who kill dogs

"give him a chance to atone for his actions!"

Yeah right! He'll take your government grant to start up an animal charity,spend half the money on coke,the rest on breeding more staffs and Ikitas or whatever the feck they are called and inevitably mess it all up when a kid gets his face bitten off

"give him a chance" FFS. Why is there so much liberalism nowadays? why so much NEED to identify with people who think and behave like total cunts?

I despair, he needs his toes crushing with Mo-grips so he thinks twice before he does a silly little thing like stamping on a dogs head in front of it's owner, a young girl in this case. Bfore considering this idiots cognitive imperfections we should consider the people left to deal with the aftermath of arseholes actions,I haven't anything to say to her .... what can you say?

Maybe I've got this wrong and you're on a wum,I'd gladly doff a clarkie hat here :)
These people need dealing with good and proper, i'll torture them and burn them, for everytime they yelled out, i'd burn them even more, scumbags, i hope they get shot.
My missus had to give evidence in an animal cruelty case not too long ago, little **** got 5 years, but his family and members of his church were front and centre defending his twisted arse. Heres what he did to 2 dogs, taken from the local rags website (the woman in question was his girlfriend);

"The woman told deputies when she tried to stop him, Greger punched her in the face and bit her several times, the report said. As she escaped to their bathroom, Greger shot the dog several times in the head with a pellet gun, the report said. He then drowned the dog in the couple's bathtub, the report said.

A few days later, Greger adopted a German shepherd-mix puppy named Tag....On Dec. 6, Greger reportedly threw the dog against the floor until it died, the report said.

He buried both animals, but it is unclear when."

How can anyone defend that? (the family I get, but members of a church?) Was he misunderstood? Mummy and Daddy not give him enough hugs as a kid? Or was he just a sick sadist little **** who didnt have the balls to pick on anything bigger than women and defenceless dogs?

Hanging is too good for those little shitbags, I hope they catch them, but when they do they'll probably just get a slap on the wrist. Fucking boils my blood.
just scum i hope they catch them but then they get off at the courts, another one i heard today from a mate he was in a car park last night 3 lads just for no reason pushed two firework rockets into a hedgehog 'stick ends pushed in' then lighted them, sick bastards want a good kicking
I'd happily kick the living shits out of these little shits and happily face the consequences from it.

Animal cruelty should be dealt with seriously, it's the first stage before doing it on a fellow human being.

Thats what a 10 week old jack ruselll looks like

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