Ticket prices

DigDog said:
I post tickets for sale on here for nearly every game and this kind of post is total bollocks. What would you suggest I did with the 3 spares I had for tonight when people are offering me £15, £20 for a ticket? Do you think that it's reasonable to make a loss on games that members of our family aren't able to get to having shelled out over £2grand between the four of us at the start of the season? Do you also think that, having struggled to shift the tickets for tonight, I should have let the ticket that I was selling on Sunday for the Arsenal game go for the 'face value' sum of £28.42? How is it that I could of sold that ticket a dozen times over, as will happen with the derby, the Liverpool match, the QPR match at the end of the season etc etc yet could barely give it away tonight? (tonights was advertised under someone elses username btw).
You can then add to this the risk people selling spare tickets take when they agree a price, then turn away various other potential buyers only for the buyer to call one hour before kick off saying they don't need them anymore. That is what happened to us prior to the Norwich game last month because some mug off here changed his mind, leaving us £65 out of pocket. If you don't want to pay, don't go, but if you don't fancy the less attractive games like Stoke on a Wednesday night, do'nt expect cheap seats for the big games.
Rant over.

I think you've got a point towards the end of your 'rant' (the risk of selling to no shows). But the beginning i can't agree with at all. You should, imo, expect to make a loss if you're posting spares for every game; you've got a combination of buying a season ticket whist fully aware you can't use it all year and/or buying tickets for away games with no intention of going.

You've no right to try and make a profit off it, a small loss or break even of the pro rata ST cost and i'd be thankful my money wasn't going completely to waste.

When i go home for xmas, i've passed my ST on if i know i'm missing home games; sometimes for free occasionally for a few quid. Its my fault as i've made a decision not to go and so i should hardly expect someone else to feel privileged and pick up my bill. I'm just thankful someone else can get to the game and my seat isn't going to waste.
can see the problem with so called buyers not showing up then you being left in the s**t.
why not ask for a small deposit or 1/2 price to be sent first say to a paypal account, rest to be paid on collection of the ticket. that should sort the timewasters out.
just a thought
If it was a BM regular poster looking for a ticket and I couldn't go they could have it - Quagmire, Buzzer, shady, jimharri, deshardi, m.e.s., j.o.t.s. Diadetic ( whoever he may be, like him or not at least he contributes to the forum) and the rest of the people that make this forum work (just had a look on front page for names no offence to any other regulars but I couldnt think of anyone without looking)- no charge. Mods and Ric can pay full plus booking fees and handling charges as they get paid far too much as it is - ffs put the hammer away it was a joke!

If there are no takers from the regulars then the lurkers who've been on a while but rarely post come next. Pro rata for them and full price for the I just joined but expect a ticket NOW brigade. The proceeds from those two groups would go to the charity I regulalry give to or one of the lads we're fundrasing for on here.

This should work both ways though - if you know of someone after a ticket have a look on here and see if you can help a BMer out. I've told the few Blues I know round here to let me know if they're after a ticket and I'll check the forum out.

I think most members are decent honest people, sadly there'll always be ones that are there to take advantage of other peoples good nature.
Keoghy said:
Can anyone Tell me were I can get two tickets for Manchester derby?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mcfc.co.uk/News/Tickets-and-Travel/2011/December/Ticket-details-for-FA-Cup-derby" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mcfc.co.uk/News/Tickets-and- ... -Cup-derby</a>

Thursday open sale as long as you have already been to a match and are registered.
Keoghy said:
Na mate only home from oz I'm mad to get back to games any other way I can get them?

seems a little bit strange you joined here just after the draw, with dublin as your location wanting tickets for the derby and are unable to get tickets from the ticket office maybe you are on the wrong forum
citymantop said:
can see the problem with so called buyers not showing up then you being left in the s**t.
why not ask for a small deposit or 1/2 price to be sent first say to a paypal account, rest to be paid on collection of the ticket. that should sort the timewasters out.
just a thought

Your response is valid and understood.
However, not a chance. You try and see how it works.
There are people hold you on as long as they can,
thereby depriving others of a cheap seat.
Best to call them Leechers.

Comments following are in general, and not against yor post.

Why do so many people think somebody wants to make a profit out of selling seats on? And that they are offering at high prices?
That is rubbish. It happens very rarely. Most offers I see and make are below price and it does no good.

Why do so may people think that selling on your empty seat is a piece of cake and you are trying to make a profit? That is hardly the case from all I see and do, totally misrepresenting the situation.

The seller also cannot be stupid - anyone at your seat can cause a problem.
Why take the risk of getting a problem you dont need?

Now I dont post to offer. I only try to pick people genuinely looking for a seat.

You know what? That does not do any good either.
One has been good.
One didnt pay.
Three urgently needing, let me down.They mostly dont tell you until its too late.

So, from my experience, there is little point in posting seats available on here, unless you want to give them away.
There is simply too much problem with getting xxxxxxabout.

My best advice is to not bother.

For the big games it is simply going to be easier go and offer elsewhere.
They will mostly pay the going price and not expect something for free. Sorry to be blunt, but my experience shows that.

If you want a system to work, then you need some sort of a a feedback mechanism so you know who is good and bad, from both points of view.
Until this is the case, my experience suggests that you leave a seat empty rather than getting involved or messed about with people you cannot trust.

How do you go about selling your seat on here? I have got a seasoncard but i wont be able to make any of the last 5 home games (Chelsea, Sunderland, West brom, MUFC and QPR) unfortunately due to work commitments. I have a good seat near the corner flag row D and dont really want to waste it.

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