Hey blues

Just posting on the off chance that someone is still trying to sell their ticket for what ever reason. 2 tickets would be ideal but ill take one.

Message me with any info

Alls fuckall from rosy and i cant wait for all the fuckoff aftermath threads bout total fuckwit cunts who have got many decent blues hopes up then done total ching ching u-turns with their sudden fucked up excuses/agenda's !!!!

Not normally one to rant off blue on blue me but knowin many a decent blue are droppin out after too many false hopes, e.mails, pm's, #'s exchanged and all sorts fucks me rite off.

***Rant Over*** and don't expect everyone to be wearing a cheshire cat happy giddy face saturday !
just thought i'd drop by, i read these forums everyday but never thought of signing up cos i dont usually wanna post replies, cant be doing with arguing over different opinions, as after all we all want the same thing, and thats for city to be back where we belong

but i was just here on a glimmer of hope that someone could get 2/3 tickets for the final

the 2 for me and my old man, he started me off as a city fan and every game wether we're there or watching it at home, i always watch it with him as he's the one who made me a blue, he's the one who took me in any weather to see city play at maine road, and still now we go together

i'd just like these tickets to repay him for all the games he took me too when i was desparate to go, and i know he's desparate more than anyone to go to this one, the 3rd ticket iff possible is for my uncle, he always comes and my dad always said if we ever got to wembley again my uncle(his brother could go with him) as he missed out in 1999, but anyway if anyone can sort something out it would be greatly appreciated, pm me.
if anyone is selling or knows someone selling, just get in touch with the price, desparate to go, as are all blues, but i'd love to fully repay my old man for taking me to games and telling me all the stories of the glory days
Hi guys ... gotta try every avenue I can
Edinburgh based Hearts and City fan who goes when he can but usually to away games as its easier
no sob story to tell just desperate for two or three tickets
just after 1 ticket if anyone able to assist?

i have seasoncard but only 2100 points and I attended every cup game (fa, carling & europa) but not through cup scheme so not hopeful ill be able to get one :(

Ill be eternally greatful, throw rose petals whereever u walk n even lick the cheese from inbetween ur toes if u can assist me.

Currently in qatar celebrating my 30th and the semi win and just bought a sheiks outfit too.

Cant express how depserate i am to land a ticket.

please please please get in touch if you can help (PM me). I'll even bring u cigs or a bottle of vodka/jd back from my hols, or even both.


Thanks in advance
hiya blues, no sob story but desperate to find 1 or 2 tkts.
went to 81´ final and have never been the same since, i think bieng a city supporter does that to you. was a regular season ticket holder at maine rd then work took me abroad and have been living in malaga for the last 18 years.
my brother does some work for an ex city player so i have asked him if theres any possibility of a couple of tkts, (still waiting for answer) but time is running short need to organise flights.
like i say 1 great 2 perfect then i can bring my spanish wife. if theres only 1 tkt i can send her off sightseeing.
heres hoping, and for those who do make it lets have a brilliant day.
If anyone has a spare for the City end, not club wembley etc, I'll make it worth your while.

PM me please

sorry to keep posting on here folks, I hope im not annoying people. I'm just more than desperate to land one a ticket.......

Still same story, here in qatar for few more days. Out here celebrating my 30th and the semi win.

Seasoncard holder in southstand tier 2, been to every cup game but not thru cup scheme and only 2100 points so not hopeful to be honest.

Got my coach and shieks outfit, just missing a ticket now.

Anyone who can help please bear me in mind, ill love u for eternity.

Thanks again
A lot of people took the piss the other week in run up to semi's with the thought of their pockets endurin mornin sickness !!!

A lot of people were very decent in sortin out others and thus deserved a drink on top.

I hope all those that did the decent thang sortin out others in a decent way the other week keep those they sorted in mind again this time around ;-)

The fella that sorted (much appreciated btw) mine for the semi was honest n' decent from the get-go and i'm glad his litlun enjoyed our win and whole day.

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