Time for our fans to become the impeccable?

Dear OP,

If you're going to be precious about the supposed "stick" you've been getting it might not be the best idea to continually use putdowns like kids, dicks, cocks, Ard boy's etc when you're referring to those that disagree with you.

Arrogant and proud
Ducado said:
Blue Haze said:
I agree totally. We should never act like the rags or Real Madrid. No matter how much success might come our way, we should treat it as a blessing and not a God-given right. We are in this position because the best owner in the world decided to buy the club, we are so fortunate.

nashark said:
The 'we'll score when we want' chant should be sung only at United. Makes us sound like arrogant twats.

I hate that fucking chant. Whoever thought that was a good idea? :/

I don't want to appear rude here, but your an American are you not?

Perhaps the famous City sense of humour has by passed you by (and a few others as well), it's a piss take, a little bit of ironic humour, the rags have this "We're United and we'll do what we want" Can you see where it came from and can you see the ironic humour in it.

We are famous for out sense of humour, there really is not another club like City, from inflatable bananas to invisible men, just quit with the handwringing and try and understand, we will never become like the rags, totally different outlook, different set of fans with their own very distinct sub cultures

Wow your too insular for your own good.
I'm no fucking kid..I just think this is the most ridiculous thread i've seen in a while...hence the copious piss taking...now i'm off for a nice cup of tea.
hisroyalblueness said:
Ducado said:
Blue Haze said:
I agree totally. We should never act like the rags or Real Madrid. No matter how much success might come our way, we should treat it as a blessing and not a God-given right. We are in this position because the best owner in the world decided to buy the club, we are so fortunate.

I hate that fucking chant. Whoever thought that was a good idea? :/

I don't want to appear rude here, but your an American are you not?

Perhaps the famous City sense of humour has by passed you by (and a few others as well), it's a piss take, a little bit of ironic humour, the rags have this "We're United and we'll do what we want" Can you see where it came from and can you see the ironic humour in it.

We are famous for out sense of humour, there really is not another club like City, from inflatable bananas to invisible men, just quit with the handwringing and try and understand, we will never become like the rags, totally different outlook, different set of fans with their own very distinct sub cultures

You speak for yourself and I respect your opinion and truly believe that you will remain as you've always been - good humoured, not arrogant, just as always was, respectful and fun.
However, what you need to appreciate is that our fan base will grow going forwards and the new fans coming in (and welcome all comers!) won't have the history that we have and will miss the tongue in cheek nature of much of what we've always done.

We do need to be careful in how we present ourselves and thereby in how we represent our football club or we will end up with arrogant twats being bloody minded and awfully disrespectful to fans who support teams who are where we were not so long ago.

I have no disrespect to you as I accept your position from your perspective but please wake up to the fact that we're a growing club and that we, the long-serving fan-base, now have a moral imperative to be mindful that what was a piss-take of a chant when we were shit can now portray us, in our present elevated position, as arrogant twats.
Let's keep it light, lets keep it funny, lets have a laugh and lets be City - all that 'when we want to' bollox is only good for rattling the rags from here on in or we'll end up like they are in the eyes of the football world and that's the last thing that any true blue would want.

PS. I'm 50+ yo, from Manchester (not America), I've been a blue all my days, I DO understand and treasure the City humour but I also want to respect what we are by being cognisant of how it will be perceived given our newly claimed position in the football heirachy.

PPS. Great thread, very valid subject matter and something that we need to nail now before we get labelled as the new rags. Let's do it our way, let's be respectful and let's be better than our quiet neighbours.

IMHO, hisroyalblueness sums it up perfectly - the best post in the whole thread.
nashark said:
The 'we'll score when we want' chant should be sung only at United. Makes us sound like arrogant twats.
I was going to start a thread dedicated to that most cringeworthy of chants, but I'm glad you've saved me the bother. If we want to end up being even more despised than the Rags, then this shit arrogant chant is the best way for us to achieve it!!!

Thanfully there's no-one singing this labotomised version of this Rag chant where I'm sat, but I believe all decent blues have a duty tell anyone sat near them who is chanting this shit song to shut the fuck up!!!!

Against the Rags, its gloves off & anything goes, but that's where it should stop. Any other time it will just be seen as sheer arrogance & not fans banter as some mistakenly believe!!!
does anyone know what the barca and madrid fans sing to the opposition fans when they are putting 6 or 7 past them on a regular basis?
For me the problem is much more deep rooted. IMO some older blues have become that accustomed to whinging and moaning (hard not to I suppose for all those years) that they don't know any different.

I remember all the foamers and screamers when we were shit. I used to think they enjoyed having a good old cry at times. Well now our team is the dogs bollocks we can't whinge about em any more can we? Well apart from Barry. And Milner. Oh and Balotelli. We can no longer cry about hughes being sacked and Roberto being defensive and boring. What can we whinge about? Err.. the fans! Yes, our fans are now enjoying themselves too much. The problem with moaning and whinging for 20/30 years is that it becomes part of you're DNA. It's embedded deep in your psyche and very difficult to break free from it. The "younger" or "newer" fans that haven't struggled like the older lot are the easiest and obvious target. I remember a post a few months back calling them "the clearasil army" for taking the piss out of united by singing "this is how it feels to be city" whilst dancing at the beer keller in munich. At the beer festival. In europe. At our first champions league away game. Against Bayern fucking munich! (if you don't get the piss take there, god fucking help you).

This doesn't apply to every older fan. It's just what I have noticed with a few. It's almost like they resent the fact that the younger lot are having a ball and that they haven't had it as tough as them. I am 30 and up until last year I have obviously not seen us win anything. I am not biased towards the younger lot I am just saying what I have noticed.
Blue Blood CTID said:
For me the problem is much more deep rooted. IMO some older blues have become that accustomed to whinging and moaning (hard not to I suppose for all those years) that they don't know any different.

I remember all the foamers and screamers when we were shit. I used to think they enjoyed having a good old cry at times. Well now our team is the dogs bollocks we can't whinge about em any more can we? Well apart from Barry. And Milner. Oh and Balotelli. We can no longer cry about hughes being sacked and Roberto being defensive and boring. What can we whinge about? Err.. the fans! Yes, our fans are now enjoying themselves too much. The problem with moaning and whinging for 20/30 years is that it becomes part of you're DNA. It's embedded deep in your psyche and very difficult to break free from it. The "younger" or "newer" fans that haven't struggled like the older lot are the easiest and obvious target. I remember a post a few months back calling them "the clearasil army" for taking the piss out of united by singing "this is how it feels to be city" whilst dancing at the beer keller in munich. At the beer festival. In europe. At our first champions league away game. Against Bayern fucking munich! (if you don't get the piss take there, god fucking help you).

This doesn't apply to every older fan. It's just what I have noticed with a few. It's almost like they resent the fact that the younger lot are having a ball and that they haven't had it as tough as them. I am 30 and up until last year I have obviously not seen us win anything. I am not biased towards the younger lot I am just saying what I have noticed.
yes you are

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