Time to put the Poznam to bed.

SWP...Legend said:
I dont understand threads like these really.

It has helped the atmosphere at COMS improve tenfold, people enjoy doing it,the media have picked up on it and itgets alot of positive coverage , its something unique in the premiership and by unique i'm obviously not stating ownership, something we must give poznan or whoever they played who did it in order for them to copy and ultimately us.

I just don't see why you would want to get rid of it.

couldnt agree more; the chants of CITY CITY at the end of the Poznan are much louder than we normally manage at COMS
SWP...Legend said:
I dont understand threads like these really.

It has helped the atmosphere at COMS improve tenfold, people enjoy doing it,the media have picked up on it and itgets alot of positive coverage , its something unique in the premiership and by unique i'm obviously not stating ownership, something we must give poznan or whoever they played who did it in order for them to copy and ultimately us.

I just don't see why you would want to get rid of it.

Agreed. It's gone such a long way it gets people buzzing and the media has a positive story. Keep it.
Yes lets keep it going long enough to all miss a goal that will then be a fitting end to the great dance

It will fade just like the inflatables but let it go in its own time
strongbowholic said:
The club are doing poznaning lessons from the end of july 20 points for attending
Thanks. Tea on my keyboard. People at work looking at me like I'm a weirdo for bursting out laughing for no apparent reason. :-)
Both answers made me laugh :-)) There's a great "feel good" feeling going round the club and BM at the moment! Keep the Poznan it literally binds the supporters together I agree dont overdo it so it's "piecemeal" but when we do it get EVERYONE doing it.
I don't want it to go, it's great fun to do and looks brilliant on the TV. As a craze it's beginning to spread and we are getting the credit (rightly so) for making it what is.
Also, it apparently winds the rags up, so it's got to be worth keeping just to irritate the fuck out of them.

Long may it continue.
i watched the game in a little tapas bar in spain and when the teams were being read out the camera angle was from the top corner looking down, all you could see was thousands , no all the blue half, i stand corrected doing the poznan. the spanish watching were all having a laugh and looking at me as if to say what the f**8. you have got to keep it. hopefully you will be doing it in the grounds in spain next year
mac said:
i watched the game in a little tapas bar in spain and when the teams were being read out the camera angle was from the top corner looking down, all you could see was thousands , no all the blue half, i stand corrected doing the poznan. the spanish watching were all having a laugh and looking at me as if to say what the f**8. you have got to keep it. hopefully you will be doing it in the grounds in spain next year


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