Time to put the Poznam to bed.

BringBackSwales said:
SWP...Legend said:
I dont understand threads like these really.

It has helped the atmosphere at COMS improve tenfold, people enjoy doing it,the media have picked up on it and itgets alot of positive coverage , its something unique in the premiership and by unique i'm obviously not stating ownership, something we must give poznan or whoever they played who did it in order for them to copy and ultimately us.

I just don't see why you would want to get rid of it.

couldnt agree more; the chants of CITY CITY at the end of the Poznan are much louder than we normally manage at COMS

Spot on. The Poznan has brought the fans and the players together. It is now ours and other clubs are so envious because once again, our fans have raised the bar in terms of originality. Ok I know it came from another foreign club but in this country we have made it ours. No club can claim that they 'own' any song or form of celebration so it doesn't matter where we got if from. If you don't like it, don't do it, but stop trying to pour cold water on what is a great celebration.
has it been established thats its poznaN?

I do agree that it needs to be done less, even after every goal is too much IMO. Only do it after special goals.<br /><br />-- Tue May 17, 2011 10:43 am --<br /><br />has it been established thats its poznaN?

I do agree that it needs to be done less, even after every goal is too much IMO. Only do it after special goals.
I think after every goal is adequate. It looks fantastic when the camera goes pitch level to see the players walking back to the centre circle, and the entire stand is doing it en masse.

As for the name, its perfect. No need to change it. Yes other clubs do it but we took it from Poznan. The name serves as a credit to its source, and the history of when we adopted it.

And the Celtic thing is different - they face the pitch.

Its funny because I see so many fans on other boards shitting on us for it, saying it looks daft etc. Its just jealousy in my view. God forgive English fans actually attempting to create an atmosphere.
It needs to be done as part of a song - like the Poznans do, when they get to a certain line of song, thats when it happens
A mate of mine was at the Stoke end of the ground and he was saying how brilliant it looked.

When the teams were read out, he said everyone was amazed at the sight of 25,000 City fans all bouncing up and down together instead of booing the opposition's team.

I think its a tremendous way to celebrate a goal, the "City! City!" afterwards is always louder than any other time and it brings back the smile to a game.

If you don't like it, don't do it!
I started to post so can I just clear a couple of points up.
It was not a I HATE THE POZNAN post.
It was just watching Swansea last night that I though it was being devalued
from what started out as a brilliant thing.
I could not stand seeing another team doing it to us, taking the piss
if they were beating us. (So far that has not happened)
That was another reason I was for retiring it.

If everyone does it I will continue to do it but maybe we need
another take on it. Rename it the NANZOP.
i was in club wembley on the half way line, first time iv'e seen it at a distance, it was spectacular, all the stoke fans and day tourists around me were in awe of it.
family sat next to me from norfolk, first ever game of football for them, all you could hear was 'dad look at this', 'wow' and 'thats amazing', made me smile, said to myself 'well done blues keep it up'.

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