Pocomoke blue said:
oh, so i'm xenaphobic now not a moron? you are a fucking cluess butt-wipe!
No, you're xenaphobic AND a moron, they do normally go hand in hand. I would hazard a guess that I have more of a clue than you do, in fact I wouldn't even class it as a guess, more a caste iron certainty.
Pocomoke blue said:
"Your view doesn't matter as you come from another country" that is really a stupid statement isn't it?........In typical Uk PC docterine you resort like Knight to play the race card! because you know no different!
Err, who exactly was the first one of us to play the race card again? Would it be you with your
it's no surprise you live in a f*cked up country statement, or me calling you out on the aformentioned statement? It's a tough one there isn't it?
Pocomoke blue said:
Gun crime is rife in the UK......not so much here!
I'm not even going to bother debating this one as you're clearly clueless if you believe this to be true. How many million guns are there in private hands in America? I could trawl the net to find the actually figures for gun crime in the USA and compare it to gun crime in the UK, but what's the point when anyone with more than 1 brain cell already knows the outcome, the USA has far more gun crime per head of the population than the UK. Anyone asserting otherwise is, quite frankly, an idiot.
Pocomoke blue said:
Get out of your suburban little world and walk around and see what the world really is.........stop smoking weed and playing with yourself and making assumptions on a whim or a report!
Never smoked weed thanks. Can't comment on the playing with myself statement however. Assumptions, based on reports, are not necessarily incorrect, that's the beauty of reports, they tend to use facts.
Pocomoke blue said:
New Orleans, what is your point there? everyone suffered who was poor!
My point is just that. The people who suffered were poor. In many cases dirt poor. And what did the government do? P*ssed about. Have you seen reports and images from New Orleans now? Years on from what happened people are still suffering. Still struggling. The UK has something called 'The Wellfare state', we actually assist our less fortunate citizens. Do you really think we'd have left New orleans to suffer the way the USA did? Surprising that the Bush administration, who new those struggling would never be voters for his party didn't exactly have great motivation to rush to their assistance. Our 'f*cked up country' has something we call the NHS, ever heard of it? What it means is ANYONE can get medical treatment/aid, ANYONE. You don't need money, or insurance, you get treated when you need to be treated. It's not perfect, but it doesn't mean the poor end up dying because they can't pay for their treatment.
Pocomoke blue said:
I can walk the streets at night with out fear of being attacked or molested! I can keep my car and house un-locked at night: YOU CAN"T!
Yeah, maybe YOU can. Can inhabitants of Detroit do that? How about those living in Washington DC? Or areas of Los Angeles? The fact YOU can walk around without fear just indicates how separated from the real world you really are.
Pocomoke blue said:
Do you know any child that been abused, girl raped? no, I think not! or you'd not criticise T.C.A.P.
Yes, I believe I would still criticise, for the same reasons I've already given, on numerous occasions. It isn't the place of an entertainment show to be catching criminals regardless of their crime, that's the polices job, a job that is best conducted away from the public eye and not on prime time TV.
Pocomoke blue said:
You are fucked up! same as your Fucked up country........
I'm sorry, who's the xenaphobic one again? I forget.
I'll be honest, I'm beginning to lose the will to argue with you, I'm finding reading your innane drivel pretty tiresome now, I generally tend to struggle when it comes to communicating with idiots.