To quote JM

TheMightyQuinn said:
Which is why it's about time someone like me came out and said what we're all thinking.

Oh my!

I would venture to suggest that barely anybody was thinking what you said to be honest! Its all a bit melodramatic aint it?

As Al Murray once said "I, the voice of the silent majority (which by virtue of the fact that I've just spoken, I am actually no longer a member of.....)"!

Whether or not people have behaved rather childishly, what the fuck has Jim Morrison got to do with this, and who made you spokesman on everything & leader of the free world, doing battle with some ludicrous axis of evil that you've invented in your own mind?

Seeing as we're quoting people, how about John Lennon: "All you need is love"!

Take a chill pill TMQ!

I am chilled.

Illegally so.

I am not ITK which is something I don't mind admitting, I feel no need to lie.

I am also no WUM, I mean what I type.

Some of the shite I've read on here I'd love to hear a rag say as I'd have a field day.
I love Jim Morrison too by the way!

I got arrested at his grave once!

Rock, and indeed, roll my friends!

TheMightyQuinn said:
I just think this sub forum attracts sub normal intelligent cretins that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

A load of liars, fantasists and part time blues.

Ooh lets all lie about who we know and look big, lets all fucking behave like utter *****.

It's about time someone came out and said it, grow some balls you fucking tarts.

Embarrassing shower of shite.

Where were you when we were fucking wank?[/quote

this, i like

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