Balti said:Damocles said:1961_vintage said:Yes - treated with a level of dignity and respect commensurate with their behaviour. The use of "torture" should just simply be one of a range of options to be deployed where necessary. Even if you choose not to, the fact that you would be willing to exercise extreme methods to achieve your goals can be quite a powerful lever, especially when dealing with people of a similar mentality.
Again though, you're missing the main point.
Torture doesn't work. Torturers go in with an idea of what they want to hear and the torturees make shit up that they think they want to hear to stop being in extreme pain.
makes you wonder why so many nutjobs have done it for so many centuries
and still do
maybe they are just horrible sadistic bastards
or maybe it works
either way we should treat as we find
if our enemy observes the geneva convention then so do we
if the enemy tortures our people then of course all bets are off
There's no maybes and debates about this. It doesn't work. Every single study, research and experiences from the field says it doesn't work. The CIA says it doesn't work. The Nazis said it didn't work. The Soviets say it didn't work. The Viet Cong says it didn't work. Victims of torture admit they've made up stories and gave false confessions under torture. Interrogators around now say it doesn't work and leads to a mix of real and fake information which cannot be determined which is which. Neuroscience and how memory recall works under extreme pain says it doesn't work.
Torture is used as a political tool. When you want people to agree with you for the sake of a confession or the like of, it works great. When you need to gather intelligence from somebody it's completely unreliable.