Todays Officials

There's no fucking way we played 5 minutes injury time. I checked my watch at the start of the 5 and the game wasn't even in progress at that point. It was four minutes between then and the final whistle of which only about 3 were actual play.
masterwig said:
There's no fucking way we played 5 minutes injury time. I checked my watch at the start of the 5 and the game wasn't even in progress at that point. It was four minutes between then and the final whistle of which only about 3 were actual play.
I was thinking that too. There were 2 subs in added time, so that should have added on another minute (30 secs for each), and in stoppage time, Mark Schwarzer took precisely 32 minutes to take a goal kick. So when you add this to the minimum of 5 mins that were signalled, there should actually have been 38 minutes of stoppage time, and there's no way we played that many. Still, we wouldn't have scored, and may have let another in, so it's probably not such a bad thing afterall.
For the ref/lino's the added time was in line with the rest of their game - a farce. But tbh I'm glad he blew when he did - there was only one team going to sneak it at the death and it wasn't us!

But we played crap, looked like 2 many players were carrying knocks, could/should have lost - so a point gained rather than 2 thrown away.
I know nobody is going to believe me, but that Kamara incident in the first half was directly in front of me (I sit in block 104 in the East Stand), 6 rows from the front & he was actually on-side! I know he looked over at the liner rather suspiciously, but he wasn't even level when the ball was played - he was actually BEHIND our last defender! Just a good job he was crap & showed too much of it to Given.

I just thought I'd stand up for the liner, as that was in fact the one & only decision he got right in the entire game!!!
304 & I had the same understanding as you. Well onside, but he didn't even expect it himself and made a mess of it.
masterwig said:
There's no fucking way we played 5 minutes injury time. I checked my watch at the start of the 5 and the game wasn't even in progress at that point. It was four minutes between then and the final whistle of which only about 3 were actual play.

I'm glad someone else noticed this! it sounds sad but i wanted time how long we had left because it was such a big injury time. We actually only played 4mins 15secs of our 5 mins, plus aren't you "suppose" to add time on for subsitutes, they made a sub on 90th min and play didnt resume till 91...
no excuse for throwing a 2-0 lead away like that (which we seem to enjoy doing against fulham over the past few years) but that ref looked like he was on a mission to make city drop points yday and was happy to stop play 1min 45secs earlier than we were supposed to.. Oh well my rant is over and time to move on, we might aswell get used to playin against 14 men for the rest of the season because the fact is FA and the media DO NOT like the fact that the Top 4 is under threat
The lines man at the East Stand was a joke think he is on a time delay or something i was at the halfway line and could see offsides and took him a few mins to decide but giving away a 2 goal lead at home isnt gonna do

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