Gaylord du Bois said:
metalblue said:
Be like being back at school, that stuff didn't so much clean as render ones derrière. I bet these days the soft fuckers have triple quilted aloa-vera soaked perfume scented bog wonder the countries gone to the dogs.
We learnt very quickly to fold not scrunch that Izal stuff. It was good grounding though as I try and use one sheet per shit even to this day. Not my kids though, oh no, they wipe with a boxing glove they've made out of it. Don't know they're born.
You didn't fuck with a scruncher, was like wiping your arse with razor blades, but they didn't care. I have obviously suppressed this as now I think on it, fuck Saville et al, surely the greatest crime against children was the purchasing of that stuff for schools...people need to be held to account, we need a public enquiry. I need closure.