Tonight at noon


Well-Known Member
8 Apr 2008
At foot of our stairs
Two questions:

(important for a thing I'm writing)

What do you think of this ? And what does it make you think of ?

Was the guy on the right in Knight rider?

It made me feel like shit don't know why.

And it made me think of the Honda adverts due to the guys voice.
I like the fact it's called Tonight (Nightime) at Noon (Midday). It perfectly highlights the impossibility of what he desires. Strange but good poem.
its just nonsense to me.
its all just a big game of opposites.
its like the guy has gone through loads of natural, amazing stuff, like the first daffodils of spring and leaves falling from the trees, and just fucked it up a bit.
it made me feel like he was just trying to be "mad" for the sake of it. a bit like Rik Mayalls Character in the young ones.
unless maybe he read some Keats on acid, that would explain some of it.
not my cup of tea im afraid.
certainly no kipling (rudyard not mr)

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