Tonights games (30/1)

NipHolmes said:
Pam said:
NipHolmes said:
Top and bottom of it is our rivals strengthened and we didn't. They matched us on points and bought the league's top scorer who compliments what they had whereas our signings are all working progresses rather than immediate impact players.

Our weaknesses last season was lack of width and no CM competition for Yaya. We addressed neither. You cannot say the warnings signs weren't there and the question is why were they not sorted.

Sugarcoat as much as you want. It's there for all to see, just depends on whether you want to take blinkers off and see it.

Oh FFS, are you wumming? Obituaries in January? I ask you.
I called it all in the summer you happyclapper. You dismissed me then and dismiss me now. I take no joy from saying I'm right but I do hope you'd kneel.

Look up a few, see that someone else agrees.

What you and Oakie know I can write on the back of a stamp.

Pam is one of the more deluded members on here. Best to ignore. She will still be saying the rags will slip up even after its mathematically impossible mate.
NipHolmes said:
Pam said:

Have you been at the crack pipe again?
Chelsea are closer to us than we are to United if results stay as they are. Why dismiss that comment as a crackhead comment. You are so blinkered its pathetic.

Why dont5 you go and support the rags you are obviously a miserable thinks he knows it all
NipHolmes said:
Top and bottom of it is our rivals strengthened and we didn't. They matched us on points and bought the league's top scorer who compliments what they had whereas our signings are all working progresses rather than immediate impact players.

Our weaknesses last season was lack of width and no CM competition for Yaya. We addressed neither. You cannot say the warnings signs weren't there and the question is why were they not sorted.

Sugarcoat as much as you want. It's there for all to see, just depends on whether you want to take blinkers off and see it.

Sad, but true.
NipHolmes said:
Pam said:

Have you been at the crack pipe again?
Chelsea are closer to us than we are to United if results stay as they are. Why dismiss that comment as a crackhead comment. You are so blinkered its pathetic.

Grow up, FFS. We drew a game and Chelsea are winning a game. This can mean only one thing.

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