Tony Coleman to sell his 69 FA Cup Winners Medal

TC confirmed on Blue Tuesday that he is indeed selling his '69 medal, amongst others. He may have claimed that he's been shy all his life, but he also gave one of the most jaw-dropping interviews I've ever heard from a City player, basically slagging off Australia and Australians, calling them 'neanderthals' who hated British people and mistreated Aborigines. TC also said he was leaving Oz soon to go and live in Thailand.

Ian Cheeseman mentioned that Radio Manchester are discussing his views on Alan Beswick's show tomorrow morning. You must give it a listen if you haven't already heard it...
Phuk Tifano said:
TC confirmed on Blue Tuesday that he is indeed selling his '69 medal, amongst others. He may have claimed that he's been shy all his life, but he also gave one of the most jaw-dropping interviews I've ever heard from a City player, basically slagging off Australia and Australians, calling them 'neanderthals' who hated British people and mistreated Aborigines. TC also said he was leaving Oz soon to go and live in Thailand.

Ian Cheeseman mentioned that Radio Manchester are discussing his views on Alan Beswick's show tomorrow morning. You must give it a listen if you haven't already heard it...

I missed this and now I'm waiting for the BBC to put it online. I hope they don't cut bits out of it?
What a left peg this guy had. He was the best left winger City have had in a team situation Bar none. He wasn’t the quickest, but he had steel just like the other notable heroes of that era. He could drop that ball on Buzzers head from anywhere as long it was on the left side of the pitch. Buzzer by the way had a good pair of sharp elbows, and didn’t lose many balls in the air, and he wasn’t 6ft tall either. Just industrious me thinks.Whats he want for it? May as well put a bid in,whip round on the cards for BMF?

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