Tony Pulis (Merged)

Re: Pearls of Wisdom from Tony Pulis

I like Pulis. If it wasn't for him fucking up in 99 we'd have been in big, big trouble. The amount of times he's given us 3 points is quite charitable of the chap.

I'll happily buy the man a "…cigar…"<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:09 pm --<br /><br />
I'm no cynic said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
anagram of Tony Pulis - Spiny Lout
Or lousy pint.

I puny lost.
Re: Pearls of Wisdom from Tony Pulis

Mark Hughes and Redknapp have shown that just having a lot of money to spend doesn't mean you win fuck all. You still need to spend it wisely and be a good manager. Pulis is just a bitter twat because he knows how average he is.
Re: Pearls of Wisdom from Tony Pulis

RandomJ said:
Mark Hughes and Redknapp have shown that just having a lot of money to spend doesn't mean you win fuck all. You still need to spend it wisely and be a good manager. Pulis is just a bitter twat because he knows how average he is.

He's certainly no Mancini.

Or Joe Royle!

oldius said:
To Pulis add Redknapp and son and Michael Owen.

The comment about the old boys network is absolutely true. Their comments are lapped up by the British media who detest, in equal measure, breakthrough success especially when it is centred on foreign investment.

The only way of dealing with it is sustained success and dignity. Ignore their comments and "football" them to death, torturing them along the way with an ethereal presence and style.

I despise the very ground that these imbeciles tread.

There are a whole brigade of bitter 2nd and 3rd rate British managers, players, ex-players and journos who bitterly resent the foreign managers and players coming into the PL. In their sad imaginations they would all be raking in the big money if wasn't for the pesky foreign talent.

Pulis, Allerdyce, Hughes, Redknap all think they would be be managing top clubs rather than the likes of CP, West Ham. Stoke and QPR if it wasn't for foreign competition.

It's the same jingoistic mindset in journalism that bigs up players like Wellbeck, Wilshere and Cleverley and proclaims them to be world class. It is no wonder English football is in the state it is - nobody in the press has the guts to tell it like it is, British management, coaching and players are light years behind our main international rivals. The old boys network has a vested interest in pretending that they are still in the game when in reality it has passed them by.
Re: Pearls of Wisdom from Tony Pulis

The Crystal Palace board of directors must have been quite embarrassed with there managers comments...

I would imagine the Directors and there families were very well looked after by City both before and after the game.

The comments made by Pulis were personal about about the club as a whole and were nothing to do about anything that happened in the game...

It wouldnt surprise me at all, if he was made to apologise to City by the Palace hierarchy.

cavendishblue said:
oldius said:
To Pulis add Redknapp and son and Michael Owen.

The comment about the old boys network is absolutely true. Their comments are lapped up by the British media who detest, in equal measure, breakthrough success especially when it is centred on foreign investment.

The only way of dealing with it is sustained success and dignity. Ignore their comments and "football" them to death, torturing them along the way with an ethereal presence and style.

I despise the very ground that these imbeciles tread.

There are a whole brigade of bitter 2nd and 3rd rate British managers, players, ex-players and journos who bitterly resent the foreign managers and players coming into the PL. In their sad imaginations they would all be raking in the big money if wasn't for the pesky foreign talent.

Pulis, Allerdyce, Hughes, Redknap all think they would be be managing top clubs rather than the likes of CP, West Ham. Stoke and QPR if it wasn't for foreign competition.

It's the same jingoistic mindset in journalism that bigs up players like Wellbeck, Wilshere and Cleverley and proclaims them to be world class. It is no wonder English football is in the state it is - nobody in the press has the guts to tell it like it is, British management, coaching and players are light years behind our main international rivals. The old boys network has a vested interest in pretending that they are still in the game when in reality it has passed them by.

Well said that man.
Re: Pearls of Wisdom from Tony Pulis

cookster said:
Bitter w@nker!

Crystal Palace boss Tony Pulis: "We are really disappointed to have not got anything from the game. The difference between the teams is spending about £350m. The weekly wages of one of their players would probably cover half my team and if I was their manager, I would be sat on the sidelines with Fergies cock in my mouth."

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