Too petty?

We let my elderly mum and dad move in with us,one night all having tea together my dad said he used to take us to both City and united when we were babies.I've kicked them both out and not seen them since.
Optimus Prime said:
Someone in a pub told me Etihad means United, so when I go to the game I refuse to look at any of the players or actively show them any support if I can see the front of their shirts - it makes me sick - I only look at the players who have their backs turned to me, and if they celebrate in my direction, I flick them the Vs and tell them where to shove their feigned enthusiasm - bloody turncoats don't understand the heritage of the Club. I now cheer on the opposition team if they score past Given, standing there with his bastard United shirt on - well at least they're not a bunch of closet Rags like our lot!

I'm such a huge blue that I still have to buy the replica kits, but I've covered the Etihad logo up with the Brother one from one of my son's old shirts from a few years back - I've not told him yet, but his Nan got him a Vodafone mobile for his last Birthday and he's still using it so he must be a Rag, so I don't care about the ungrateful little bastard any more. Yeah, he's only 6 and a half but I won't be talking to the dirty little shithouse again - bloody turncoat - he's just as bad as the players. Anyway, my shirt looks fucking gash now, but at least I can look myself in the mirror without wanting to throw up all over the place.

hahahaha for such a fine post yo* should be K**gh***
On the positive side,I shall only ever use Bing as my search engine now.In one of their latest ads,a bloke asks his girlfriend to check the footie results and she types in,Man City,and the City homepage comes up.They obviously realise who the big cheese is going to be.Also I am very easily pleased.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
On the positive side,I shall only ever use Bing as my search engine now.In one of their latest ads,a bloke asks his girlfriend to check the footie results and she types in,Man City,and the City homepage comes up.They obviously realise who the big cheese is going to be.Also I am very easily pleased.

You do realise untied carpets have no affiliation to the rags?
GStar said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
On the positive side,I shall only ever use Bing as my search engine now.In one of their latest ads,a bloke asks his girlfriend to check the footie results and she types in,Man City,and the City homepage comes up.They obviously realise who the big cheese is going to be.Also I am very easily pleased.

You do realise untied carpets have no affiliation to the rags?

Yeah but it`s just the name that puts everyone off.
dave I feel your loss!!

My mate Rod who is a massive blue decided to swim the channel! he was practising and nurturing his game on the bridgewater canal and became very strong. Things were going well and he only got time out of the water to go to mcfc eccles supporters club meetings or watch the mighty blues in action...Rod's life was mcfc and swimming.

On the big day all Rods lifelong friends and fellow blues went with him to witness his epic challenge!

It is with great sadness as eight of us entered the water as marshalls and supporters in my dinghy that Rod got into trouble! He pulled left, he pulled right and he cursed. He was 200 mtrs from trouble and a ferry approached! Her majestys coastguard approached in their off red boats and red uniforms..they threw him aline....The last thing....I heard Rod shout was........wait while I compose myself................." fuck off you red bastards couldn't save in a bank....gulp, gulp!"

Our Rod was gone.........I loved Rod and miss him...RIP Rod!! missing u in mary d's pal!!
GStar said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
On the positive side,I shall only ever use Bing as my search engine now.In one of their latest ads,a bloke asks his girlfriend to check the footie results and she types in,Man City,and the City homepage comes up.They obviously realise who the big cheese is going to be.Also I am very easily pleased.

You do realise untied carpets have no affiliation to the rags?
They obviously have an owner who is a big scum fan.Why else would you call your company "united" in big red letters?Same as that taxi firm called "united".I'd rather walk home in the pissing rain.
I hate united so much I decided Never to go to UNI-versity! I think it would have started badly!<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:07 pm --<br /><br />my mate parker won an all expeses trip in a comp to the UAE! He fucked it right off, asked for the equivalent cash..they fucked him right off!
For some reason i always affiliated the rags with tomato sauce and us with brown. Fuckin hate red sauce you tacky debt ridden vermin infested excuse for a dip!!!!!
Also hate anything to do with the royal mail, london buses, gingers, kit kats and the chuckle brothers

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