Top by 5pm Saturday?

We'll beat Villa but can see Rags doing the Dippers.

Makes a change for them to be playing first so no chance of the "Anything You Can Do..."
Ill go one further. 6 pts clear by the 3.30pm on the 23rd!!!

Now that's a potential jinx, but sod it, we should and WILL beat Villa at home (as we usually bang a few in against them at home...4 nil last time ring any bells?), Lfc usually get a result against United, and I see no reason why we cant go to the Swamp and give them a tonking in the own back garden.

There's optimism for you. I am always always always wrong but its usually when I spout it to my Rag mates and family, which I am not doing, so let's see.
whothefisAlice said:
Ill go one further. 6 pts clear by the 3.30pm on the 23rd!!!

Now that's a potential jinx, but sod it, we should and WILL beat Villa at home (as we usually bang a few in against them at home...4 nil last time ring any bells?), Lfc usually get a result against United, and I see no reason why we cant go to the Swamp and give them a tonking in the own back garden.

There's optimism for you. I am always always always wrong but its usually when I spout it to my Rag mates and family, which I am not doing, so let's see.

That's the SPIRIT!!
Liverpool are extremely hard to categorise. They can beat anyone and play some excellent football, however they can also lose to anyone and play like 11 strangers. United have a poor record of late at Anfield so it will certainly be tough. If I was a betting man I'd be going for the score draw.

As for us v Villa, Villa have been getting decent reults so far but we really should have enough to beat them at our place. I can see us with a 2 point lead come the end of Saturday.

Obviously we'll now lose and United will hammer Liverpool.

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