Torres escapes ban

IMHO Vertonghen was well within his rights to punch that smug arrogant woman Torres straight to the floor for that snide attack.

I would've done ,I thought so immediately that I saw the incident.

There again he's got coward eye poking then run away Mourhinio for a role model so is anyone really surprised.?!???

Must be in their training schedule. said:
Whats the meltdown about?
This is similar to when Aguero escaped punishment for stamping on David Luiz, Mcmanaman incident, assou ekotto incident.

I had forgotten that 'non incident', fair do's, we were on the right side of their leniency that day so we can't complain when it happens to others. I withdraw my scorn and my previous post.
Barcon said:
He should be forced to wear a dress and pigtails for three matches.
Robbie Fowler approves of this post.
Do you think though they may have taken into consideration that the sending off was not maybe a sending off?? or did they only look at and consider the thumb gouge incident??
Torres deserved a 2 match ban. Of course he couldn't get a 2 match ban because the rules are so rigid and inflexible.

They should follow the disciplinary procedures used by RL. Offenses are graded into 5 grades A, B, C etc. Each category carries a particular penalty from fine/warning to lengthy suspension The disciplinary committee reviews any red card offenses or incidents put on report. Decide the appropriate grade. They have discretion to increase or decrease any suspension by one match if they deem an offense to be more or less serious than the average for that grade. Or to reflect the players previous record. The player also gets a discount for not contesting the charge.

Works much better but will not be accepted in football because its not totally objective ie inflexible
Can you imagine the furore it will cause if the rules are made flexible?
Already every club's fans feel that FA is biased against them. More flexibility will give rise to conspiracy theories of "9/11 was an inside job" proportions.

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