Tory HQ getting smashed up

Skashion said:
Ancient Citizen said:
I'm sure you'll be equally magnanimous when some rioting scrotes put your windows through and kick your kids to death. As you say, it warns the government not to be complacent.
People must feel free to do whatever they want. It would be most unfair otherwise.
I have no windows. I live in a shoebox in the middle of the road.

-- Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:00 pm --

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Not a great message to be sending out. Start a riot, stick a few police officers in hospital and break into a building and you get what you want. Its abit like kids throwing their toys out the pram, if you give them what they want they turn into spoilt brats and want more.
I think the precedent was set long ago. Long before the Battle of Seattle and long before the Poll Tax Riots. Indeed, long before even the French decided that was the way the go about things.

Ah, a shoebox. They'll probably bypass that so you should be ok.
What is funny is the fact the National Union of Students actually told students to vote for Lib Dems (without actually saying who to vote for, but really strongly promoted them after their tuition fee pledge). Lib Dems are the ones who have broken their promise, so I don't know why they are attacking the Tories. What did they expect from politicians?
BlueMoonWalker said:
What is funny is the fact the National Union of Students actually told students to vote for Lib Dems (without actually saying who to vote for, but really strongly promoted them after their tuition fee pledge). Lib Dems are the ones who have broken their promise, so I don't know why they are attacking the Tories. What did they expect from politicians?
Tory HQ is a large building by the Thames (with a Pizza Expres btw) Lib Dems is somebodies front room in Surbiton !

The whole thing's so hypacritical. The government use violence when they want, ie bombing the sh*t out of other countries. Yet complain like f*ck when other people use violence.
Daviesmcfc said:

The whole thigns so hypacritical. The government use violence when they want, ie bombing the sh*t out of other countries. Yet complain like f*ck when other people use violence.

I had noticed the response in this thread to the Student's use of "violence",..."kill them", "kick their heads in" etc.
Is it any wonder their is no meaningful political discourse in this country anymore?
Up until last year I was a student but I have to say I fuckin hate them! Aside form the fact most think they have a divine right to do whatever they want there is also the large percentage who think they have to be rebels and protest against everything despite the fact that half of them probably don't even know what its about!

I hope the police use the videos of all this and they get every single one of them who vandalised or threw things at police and ruin their lives, send them to prison, criminal record the lot! Then see how much harder it is to get a job nevermind paying back a bigger loan!
Bojinov The Bull said:
"I hope the police use the videos of all this" and they get every single one of them who vandalised or threw things at police and ruin their lives, send them to prison, criminal record the lot! Then see how much harder it is to get a job nevermind paying back a bigger loan!
well they didn't last time when they murdered a newspaper seller,but you never know,they might,but only as a PR exercise,heavily censored to make sure they dont capture any 'plants'. amazingly some even had numbers on show.The students were naive in the extreme to think it would be peaceful,but showed bottle by risking being 'kettled' or worse by the boys in black. Like any public protest,it gets hi-jacked by vested interests and thugs,who get all the head-lines and none of the blame.The films of police brutality were declined by the BBC last time,until the broadsheets published evidence,wonder what they will make of the many thousands who didn't cause damage,not a lot i suspect.

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