Training Today 18.02.11


Well-Known Member
13 Aug 2005
Clifton Village
Pics are on the other Thread. Here is DH's report.

Much the same turnout as yesterday on what was a perfect day for training. Shay,Nigel,SWP,MJ and Milner all missing.The latter was out later working with a physio alongside Boyata.SWP is hoped to be back in full training tomorrow.So it was a group of 16 players (excluding keepers) which included Razak again.

All the usual warm up stuff plus a pass/move game before Mancini took a team away behind the fences.2 days in a row the main training had been on the open pitch.A rarity today as Mancini also took across a bunch of players from the EDS to form the opposition for the practice he wanted for the "team",normally it is all done with nobody playing against them.It was all about passing the ball as we know they can but with Mancini looking for them to increase the tempo at the right times.The only worry in this was when Mario went down injured.It looked iffy for a few seconds as he got up very slowly and was flexing his right knee but not long after he was sprinting for a ball so all seemed fine.

Quite a bit of time on this even though 4 or 5 changes were made to the team. Whilst this was going on the rest were having shooting/finishing practice with most players involved at some point or another.I tried to keep an eye on this as well but the word was the best in the finishing were Boateng and Jo. What can I say. As everyone came back over it was into a 9 a side match on a small pitch with all the EDS players going back to their regular training.

Cant recall much of note in the game until seconds from the end when Carlos went down injured.Again it didn't look good as the final whistle blew and he was still lying face down.But after amoment or two with the doc he was up and walking away looking ok thankfully.So in they went leaving just 3 for a few penalties.The twins to start with and then joined by Kolarov after the boss had spent a bit of timing chatting with him.As the penalties went Micah struggled to find the target but was happy he at least sent the keeper the wrong way.

Mario was just sublime usually sending the keeper the wrong way but baffling them enough that they basically hadnt a clue what to do.He would have had a 100% record if he hadnt tried to chip gently down the middle on one only to find Stu hadnt moved.Kolarov was awesome as well.He hit with power all the time but changed his side as well as trajectory and he did have a 100% record.
Sounds like Balotelli is coming on well, maybe pushing for a start on Sunday :) Got to admit, my heart went into my mouth when i read him and carlos had gone down............Dont do that to us please!
Cheer for the report, look forward to the pics

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