True Legends

Bert.(from the history i have read and vids i have seen)
Kinky.(From the vids i watched).
Bert.(from the history i have read and vids i have seen)
Kinky.(From the vids i watched).

Mentioning Kinky in particular, I was lucky enough to be at Maine rd the day he scored against Southampton and the videos don't do that goal justice. The crowd literally couldn't believe what he'd just done.
Zab simply has to be in any modern day legends list. He was brought in as a cut price replacement for Chorluka (sp?) as we had no money so selling Ch to Spurps and buying Zab netted us £1m to pay the staff wages at the time. He came with many weaknesses such as rash tackles getting him red carded, he has had other players try to take his place including fans favourite Richards but always rose to the top and made the place his.. He is a true warrior who will play on after bad injury, never had a bad story in the press, never looked to rock the boat with any of our manager and if you don't love him enough yet let me tell you one more story. He attended a disabled supporters meeting, we pointed to the top table for him to take his seat and asked our members to queue one table at a time (we hate a long queue of people who can't stand/walk. Zab simply refused to sit down at the table or allow one single disabled supporter to queue to meet with him, instead he walked the full room, met with every supporter, ensured they all got their photo's, autographs etc before returning to the top table for a Q&A session where no question was off topic. The nicest player I have ever met

What a great story.

Legend to me is

Remembered years later (like Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - you're not eligible until 25 years after your first recording)
Some really memorable performances
Long service - I suppose 5 years has to count as that now
Not slagged off club
Respected by other teams supporters (doesn't mean liked)
Not a cnut

Bell, Book, Lee, Young for me

Sorry not a very original list but there were prob a dozen or more who would all tie for spot 6
For what it matters, in alphabetical order:
Milner (yes , even him"!)

Milner? Not a chance mate he's acted a right d##k since leaving for the dippers and even if he'd stayed he wouldn't have got my vote.
A legend can mean didn't things to different people? To have the likes of dickov and Morrison said in the same breath as kompany and zabaletta is ludicrous.
Although the likes of silva and yaya have been immense for us, I wouldn't class them as legends. I think joe hart is up there.

When we won the league in 2012, legends such as book and summerbee were there to present the trophy. Could you see silva and yaya doing that in another 40 years if we went on a bad run? I couldn't
How anybody can mention Tevez and Toure is beyond me. A legend is someone who genuinely cares about the club, always gives 100% for the club and treats it with the same respect as the fans. They're both brilliant players and achieved brilliant things but they're both disrespectful cnuts who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Toure and Tevez a not legends for me.

I met Billy Mcadams in his later days. He lived in a small high rise flat in Blackley. Full of druggies and piss drenched stairwells. He played for City for 6 years. 61 goals. racked with injuries so he could hardly walk.
Toure and Tevez are purely mercenaries.

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