My friend suggested 'The Good Wife' and I have to say it's not bad at all.
Burn Notice is amazing definately worth a look. I'm surprised how many people are still bothering with 'Dexter'. I thought that show should have died after season four.
Someone mentioned 'Justified' which I've just started and I loved 'Deadwood' so I reckon it's worth giving a go just for Timothy Ophpshprhspr...whatever his name is.
If any of you selfless parents out there like to watch cartoons with your kids on Saturday morning, rather than subject them to Jeremy Kyle USA or Saturday Kuntchen with James 'takes the piss out of every foreign chef' Marsden, I suggest 'Adventure Time' on Cartoon Network it is brilliant.
Has anyone seen 'Louie'? Funny as fuck
New 'Arrested Development' this year as well. Wooooooo