TV Series

I have private sources bud that are sadly locked down to regular users so i am not sure. It seems they leak out reasonably soon to public sites though. Indeed i would imagine it is available now. One lad seems to use terranium TV to access it if you know what that is. Beyond that my knowledge of public sources has fallen off a cliff in the last couple of years.

Gomorra! wow wow wow, episode 12 is just intense as it gets. Easily the best show on TV. Not even GoT's touches it imo.

I acquired episode 1 of the new season as a tester and it had hard codded french subs. : (

I'll have to stream it.
Line of duty what was the point that in that?

That was fucking shit.

A million plot holes, ruined Hastings as a character, because it turns out he is a bent copper who stole 50k of evidence, and a last minute "oh we were all wrong for the last 4 years because a dying man typed out some morse code with his fingers".

It screams of a writer letting praise go to his head. Everyone loved the drama of the interview scenes, so he wrote a 90 minute episode where 75 minutes was interview, 10 minutes was side-plot and then there was 5 minutes to cram in a massive reveal and wrap up the story poorly.
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So as a member or informer for a major OCG we have evidence that will convict you of murder, conspiracy to murder, robbery plus many other crimes that will mean life in prison. Oh shit can I have immunity. Who were the other gang members and who is the big cheese, head honcho,main man,H etc

Err the gang members are dead and I haven’t got a clue who the mastermind is.

Fair enough here’s a new name and a free house.

Fucking wank
Oh forgot to mention the video of the dying caddy. Watched loads of times what did he say fuck knows. Let’s watch it again fuck knows.But later on as I’m passing on the way for a shit I briefly glance towards the monitor and fuck me look at his Lionel Blair. Is it a film, play, book? No it’s some **** shot 3 times in the chest doing morse code.

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