TV Series

Just saw an ad for a series called taboo with tom hardy and directed by Ridley Scott. Looks interesting.

Its currently showing on BBC and you can catch it on iplayer.

My favourite show at the moment after I finished Quarry, which I have to say, was just fucking superb. Thanks to all on here who recommended it.
No Offence still a great watch. Ripping into some hard issues whilst being entertaining and gripping. Some unrealistic scenarios for such a reality driven programme but compelling none the less.
No Offence still a great watch. Ripping into some hard issues whilst being entertaining and gripping. Some unrealistic scenarios for such a reality driven programme but compelling none the less.
This second series is far better than the first one, all filmed in Manchester aswell
Taboo is brilliant. It's so up my street it's unreal.... love all that stuff about the East India Company C**ts, slavers and the war of independence. London as an arcane, gothic cess-pit were no-one's heard of a bar of soap, and they're all heretics and corrupt perverts....

(It reminds me a bit of a game called Fallen London (free, gratis), by the guys who did the fantastic Sunless Sea and are now writing for Stellaris... (Paradox games, what a pain in the arse, it's been out a year and I'm still holding off, waiting for them to make it the game it should be).

....anyway, Tom Hardy, Jonathon Pryce, Tom Hollander, Famke Jansen, Steven Graham (could be his best role), Mark Gatis, Michael Kelly are all personal favourites, and they're all brilliant.

It takes a little time to find it's rhythm, the first couple of episodes have wonky moments, but stick with it. After 4 episodes, I'm wondering if I've been wrong about Tom Hardy all along, and the guy actually can't act, but after 7 I'm totally sold on the character. It's the little things he does and doesn't do that make the performance.

I mean, the show is totally off the rails. Nothing healthy or good ever happens. You'd think it'd burn out, but it doesn't, because it's not playing things for shock value. It's just a world totally lost in corruption and darkness. Even after 7 hours, last night's ending was a clear sign that we haven't reached the bottom yet.

It's also a show that doesn't fall into all the usual traps of TV. It doesn't feel episodic, it's got so much to say and such a clear direction, there's none of the usual time wasting crap (you know show writers are running out of ideas when they start putting different pairings of characters together, with little storylines that don't have any effect on the overall plot).

I don't know how many episodes there are in the series, and I don't want to know. I'll just let it wash over me, before it decides to spit me out back into the real world.

I think I'd rate it above Westworld. I loved so much of that show but by the end of the season it'd lost me a bit. It wasn't the Bernard reveal or any of that. I thought the change in "Ed Harris" seemed like the most important development, the moral and emotional centre of the plot.. and it was handled terribly. And the mechanics of the park made sense at the beginning but by the end.... nah. I worry that it's making the same sorts of mistakes as 'Lost'.

Thinking about it, Stranger Things had it beat as well. It made sense from start to finish, and the characters were relatable and fleshed out, not just pieces being moved around as the writers saw fit. The retro 80's sci-fi thing has been done already, but JJ Abrahms, true to form, just stole a load of shit from other films and shows, appended it with a great set piece, and when it came to character interactions.... errr... fuck.... let's just do loads of 'running around and shouting'. Stranger Things was always totally true to its characters, world and story. It neatly avoided all of the cliches, there were no twists or sucker punches, or 'HATE THIS GUY' characters. (I fucking hate JJ Abrahms, thank god he's not doing the next Star Wars)

Black Mirror Season 3 was pretty fantastic, it took a couple of tires to finish the first episode, but from there on, it's full of the good stuff.

I alternated between episodes of that and Inside No 9, which is just as weird but has a bit more 'heart'... but honestly I couldn't say one was better than the other.

Mr Robot season 2... hmmm. I was stoned for most of it, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one who didn't understand a single thing. I'm hoping that was the writer doing a 'Kid A', intentionally making something that would kill the hype and mass appeal, so he can create a show without having the world breathing down his neck.

The OA should have been right up my street - I effing love Brit Marling, mysteries, cults etc... The Sound Of My Voice is a goto pick when people ask for 'under the radar' films. But the mystery here was why I bounced off this series within 15 minutes. Brit's performance didn't sit right with me. But, in the light of Taboo, I reckon should give it another go.

Will check Quarry, for sure, but I'll wait for the Blu Ray. So.... what now? I can't remember where I got to with Sherlock, I guess that means I wasn't that invested. I keep on hearing about The Expanse. I am hungry for Sci Fi, but for reasons I can't quite put my finger on I'm not keen. Same goes for The Man In The High Castle. I'm a Philip K Dick freak but something about it doesn't smell right. I was quite enjoying Rome but can't find the motivation to go back to it. I think it's time to find out what Outlander is all about. And... Better Call Saul, which I was saving for a rainy day.

Sorry about the essay/info dump. Meds must have kicked in. It's just nice to be thinking about something other than Trump/Brexit.

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