Tyson Fury

I can't see a problem with someone saying that he regrets that homosexuality and abortion have been legalised.

They were legalised by parliament via the democratic process, and I see no reason why some people should not say that they wish these laws had not been passed.

In a free and open democracy people should be allowed to say they disagree with some laws and to campaign to get them altered or repealed.

If it becomes 'hate speech' to voice your disagreement with some existing laws then we effectively have a totalitarian state where some laws are not allowed to be discussed at all and will stay on the books for all time.

That's not democracy.
People aren't saying he shouldn't be able to say it.

People are saying he's a fucking brain dead knobhead for having such backward, ridiculous views.

Which, given we live in a democracy, is completely fine.
Just as everyone should be free to ridicule him and call him a backwards **** for holding those opinions.

Yeah I agree, just not sure if he should actually get punished for his opinion, despite it being a ridiculous and wrong one.
Has he not completely made up his beliefs being from the bible? I really don't remember the bit in the bible about gay marriage or paedophilia being signs of the coming apocalypse? The church never seemed to have much of an issue with touching kids iirc. There's definitely a bit about men lying with men being an abomination, but I really don't recall them getting married ever being mentioned (as the entire idea would have been completely ridiculous back then).

Also, some here keep yelling about free speech, but we aren't in America, we don't have unlimited free speech. Our right to unlimited free speech is right up there with our right to bear arms. We have shit loads of laws against hate speech and are all the better for it. Whether what Fury said goes far enough to be classified as insighting hatred is pretty debatable (personally I don't think it is), but the entire idea that he can say whatever he wants because of our right to free speech is complete bollocks.

On a more obvious note, I have no idea why he's been nominated for SPOTY anyway, on the basis of his achievements? He won one, pretty dreadful fight to win a world boxing title. We have various other world champion boxers who've done far more this year, none more so than Anthony Crolla, who showed a hell of a lot more "personality" to recover from his attack and then win the world title than Tyson Fury did.
On the one hand, I have a 'little' sympathy for him - he's part of the travelling community, not the brightest tool in the box, and blessed with fearsome physique and some boxing talent. That's not his fault.

However, he's now in a position to adjust his life, and seek a wider education - but he's also in a position where he no longer 'has' to and is made for life without having to adjust any of his attitudes.

His father gouged out a man's eye - which whilst not being Tyson's responsibility, it's indicative of the environment he's in. There appears to be little remorse or regard to the magnitude of that.
In a recent interview he joked that 'if I say something is purple, it's purple, because who is going to argue with me?'. It was only half in jest (imo). Boxing and violence are not synonymous, but I can't help feel for Tyson Fury, boxing is merely an outlet for violence.

Overall, I hope his reign at the top of boxing is short lived. Something about him and his entourage sits uneasy with me.
This is why the travelling community can't integrate with normal people, they are completely uncivil.

He could have just held his hands up and admitted he was in the wrong but instead rather than fighting ideas with ideas, he just makes horrid threats to Ollie Holt. Classless.
This is why the travelling community can't integrate with normal people, they are completely uncivil.

He could have just held his hands up and admitted he was in the wrong but instead rather than fighting ideas with ideas, he just makes horrid threats to Ollie Holt. Classless.
what a load of bollocks, I'm a 6 generation Traveller on my father's side and 8 generation on my mother.I married a "normal" girl had Four "normal kids", one who is a teacher and the other a nurse, my son is a welsh champion boxer, so how normal is that.
Of course I'm not related but what I am is a keen watcher of boxing and believe you me yes at the moment the heavyweights are at a poor standard to recent eras but Fury is the best of a bad bunch and not just that he's actually entertaining to watch and listen too.

The majority of people are going to hate him because they don't agree with his views etc but as a lover of boxing I appreciate what he's doing at the minute in the ring and out of it. He's an entertainer.

Which is fair enough, you will watch a lot more boxing than me and I have no opinion of him in that sense. My point was more the people will believe what the media put out there and judge him on that. I think he's a tool from the stuff he says and does like the batman outfit. That isn't anything to do with the media. His actions like that could be viewed as entertaining not to me but each to their own. I also don't think his wild views are entertaining I just think he's a bit of a slow idiot.
So bigoted views are fine as long as they're attached to some fuck-witted superstition?
Lol where is the logic with that? Why should your bigoted views be accepted, considering you just insulted an entire religion with your stupid comment. "fuck witted superstition"? Try telling that to the billion of followers around the world, whether it is Islam Christianity Judaism etc.

I don't understand this freedom of speech tag. It seems OK to insult religions but somehow speaking your mind on something becomes "bigoted".

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