Tyson Fury

Religion is an idea. Ideas are quite free to be criticised. Homosexuality is a natural fact that people have no control over. It's not difficult. Things you can choose = fair game. Things you can't choose = off limits. Slagging off a race = bigoted. Slagging off a political viewpoint = perfectly fine. And religion is no different to a political viewpoint. You're free to change it at any time. You can't change your sexuality or sex.

Spot on.
The police and the BBC will do nothing about Fury.

They know full well that taking action against a man for voicing his dislike for the legalisation of homosexuality would present them with some very difficult situations in the future when other people do it - which they do, have done and will again.

For example, here is a man who said that homosexuality is 'harmful' on a BBC radio interview in 2006.


And here is a woman with some forthright views on the topic.

Not being a legal eagle I wouldn't know if he can be charged for committing a crime or not, but if he hasn't I'd let him go on Sports Personality of the Year and spout his nonsense. He would then be shown up to be a thick bully that he is.
Religion is an idea. Ideas are quite free to be criticised. Homosexuality is a natural fact that people have no control over. It's not difficult. Things you can choose = fair game. Things you can't choose = off limits. Slagging off a race = bigoted. Slagging off a political viewpoint = perfectly fine. And religion is no different to a political viewpoint. You're free to change it at any time. You can't change your sexuality or sex.

Brilliant post...... Other than the last sentence!!!
Religion is an idea. Ideas are quite free to be criticised. Homosexuality is a natural fact that people have no control over. It's not difficult. Things you can choose = fair game. Things you can't choose = off limits. Slagging off a race = bigoted. Slagging off a political viewpoint = perfectly fine. And religion is no different to a political viewpoint. You're free to change it at any time. You can't change your sexuality or sex.
actually all of the above including religion and sex ( gender/trans) are protected characteristics under the equality act / human rights act. Tyson pretty much did break the law as I understand it but I personally have no time for all the hand wringing band wagon jumpers beying for blood. He's a **** who hits people for a living, so its not a big surprise. He hasn't raped or murdered anyone so he's not that bad as boxers go ;-)
actually all of the above including religion and sex ( gender/trans) are protected characteristics under the equality act / human rights act. Tyson pretty much did break the law as I understand it but I personally have no time for all the hand wringing band wagon jumpers beying for blood. He's a **** who hits people for a living, so its not a big surprise. He hasn't raped or murdered anyone so he's not that bad as boxers go ;-)
In justifying his view he defaulted to the scouse syndrome claiming being a gypsy means he's grown up with racial comments about him. He lost the argument at that point.
The bottom line is he is an unlikable twerp who has got a bit of fame due to the division being piss poor at this time. I think it has been piss poor for a lot longer but that is besides the point.
As soon as a decent fighter comes along he will beat him I get the impression the press are quiet happy to ignore this man as the majority of the public seem to want then also.
I think a lot of people haven't looked up the true definition of bigotry.

In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.

It's just as much about tolerating people you believe to be idiots for having views that do not match your own(so some of what he said does make him look that way but some of the reactions are in the same territory so why stoop to the same level). It just seems to me everyone wants to 'appear' PC just to hold some high ground(like some sort of shield to hide behind) while they have a bash at someone with their own prejudice lurking somewhere behind it.

Then again I just switched off when he started banging on about Jesus and abortions(call me cynical but I think he has a notion that Americans will eat all the crazy preacher god talk up and he wants some big pay days). For me he talked some crap that I didn't agree with and found a bit weird and maybe did make himself look a bit of a bully and a nob but I'm not outraged nor do feel a sense of hate for him... yet.
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people signing petitions and the police paying him a visit need to find something more productive to do with their time.
Some people feel it is their duty to get offended by anything and everything nowadays...
actually all of the above including religion and sex ( gender/trans) are protected characteristics under the equality act / human rights act.
Well yeah, in terms of employing people and offering services. But the beliefs themselves aren't protected from criticism. I'm pretty sure you would also get in trouble for refusing to hire someone for their political associations too. That's a slightly different thing.

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