UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

If life is abundant but intelligent/evolved life is rare in the universe it stands to reason more advanced civilisations would be here observing …the only issue I have with it is how they would travel vast distances of space to get here.

I think the multiverse theory is a plausible alternative to the traditional view (Big Bang) so inter dimensional travel could well be a more likely explanation than travelling these great distances between planets across the universe. I guess as physics advances we will get the answers to some of these questions.

I had a look at the 4chan thread, seems to me the guy is a bullshitter, no real information, and his prose is poor with no ‘detail’ just opinion and claims.

I agree on the 4chan guy - as mentioned I don’t find him credible, I kind of like these thought experiments though. If we did have contact with ETs what might that look like with all its social and geopolitical consequences?

One thing to say though is that the Big Bang is not mutually exclusive with the Many Worlds interpretation - or the multiverse as it’s come to be known. The Big Bang has a vast array of directly observable evidence including the cosmic background radiation and it’s application to Hubble’s Law.

The Many Worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanical phenomena, these are just ideas about how we should interpret what we see happening in quantum mechanics which is very weird and not at all intuitive.There’s a lot of different interpretations of quantum mechanics and no good evidence on which interpretation is correct because it almost gets into the realm of metaphysics, it’s very hard to know how to prove.

If you’re interested in some of the interpretations that allow wiggle room for paranormal phenomena then I’d take a look at Quantum Bayesianism (QBism). It’s a bit funky but I quite like it. It sounds a little solipsistic to me but it technically isn’t solipsism.

My point though is that the Big Bang is simply a description of the origin of our own observable universe which is very well evidentially supported. It does not at all mean that there aren’t other universes, though there would be no known way to prove it one way or the other.
So there is likely to be life out there, but is it like us, or primitive, like bacteria or Martin Keown!?! Other star systems may have formed much earlier than our Solar System, perhaps lifeforms evolved formed civilizations, created technology. If so it could be at least thousands of years in advance of ours.
They might also be intelligent, and then simply lack physical manipulators like our hands to actually do much with it in material terms. Few animals on earth have hands its kinda niche mostly for certain treeclimbers but an intelligent animal won't necessarily be able either to build tools or machines or an advanced materialistic society with things like fins, hooves or paws.

I had a look at the 4chan thread, seems to me the guy is a bullshitter, no real information, and his prose is poor with no ‘detail’ just opinion and claims.

One part i certaintly question, and one that is argued against by proffesor Nolan too, is that he describes the aliens as "humanoid". It's quite unlikely that extraterrestials would be humanoid given the sheer permutations of variety in enviroments where extraterrestials might potentially originate from.

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