UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

Thank goodness no one's decided to make the obvious Buster Gonad joke about aliens being a load of bollocks to which the correct answer is extra testicle!

I'll get my gold cape and flying goggles on the way out?!?

It is a fascinating point that aliens are probably not humanoid but could have evolved in all kinds of environments that we can't imagine.

Going back to the OP, the vast majority of UFOs are explicable as weather phenomena, birds, planes etc. That's maybe 90% of sightings, maybe more than that. Which does mean that there must be a small percentage that would appear to be actual UFO's....

Like I say most encounters would have a logical explanation. I think media / internet coverage has also encouraged more people to speak out.

It also leads to more idiots being taken seriously such as, to name two, a woman who saw a character wearing "Nike trainers" in a 17/18th portrait at the National Gallery and someone else who saw a "laptop" in a similarly aged painting!

The "Nike trainers" appeared to be square toed boots bound up with ribbons tied in a bow. Equally the "laptop" was a box or case for a necklace!

It is interesting that people sometimes want to ascribe human achievement to extra terrestrial/ supernatural/divine inspiration or influence.

Hernan Cortez who conquered the Mexica or Aztecs attributed his success to God. Equally it was due to the superior weapons os the Spanish, their horses and a combination of factors that meant the Aztecs' client states flocked to Cortez' banner.

In the 1960s/70s Erich von Danniken popularized theories that our technology was given to our ancestors by aliens, one of his many books being Was God an Astronaut?!

Going back to the Axtecs, their capital city Technochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of a lagoon which the partially drained and used to irritate the surrounding land. Cortez estimated there were maybe 200 000 people living there, making it larger than many European capitals in 1520.

The Maya in southern Mexico/Guatemala and the Inca of Peru had similar empires within relatively speaking a close geographic area too.

Did aliens help them, or the Egyptians or the Ancient Cambodians or the people of the Indus valley? No more I think than ET being responsible for Carthage or Rome.

If it does turn out that we don't encounter alien lifeforms, at least I can watch Kirk snogging any alien strumpet left, right and centre and think go Tomcat ! ;-)))
Thank goodness no one's decided to make the obvious Buster Gonad joke about aliens being a load of bollocks to which the correct answer is extra testicle!

I'll get my gold cape and flying goggles on the way out?!?

It is a fascinating point that aliens are probably not humanoid but could have evolved in all kinds of environments that we can't imagine.

Going back to the OP, the vast majority of UFOs are explicable as weather phenomena, birds, planes etc. That's maybe 90% of sightings, maybe more than that. Which does mean that there must be a small percentage that would appear to be actual UFO's....

Like I say most encounters would have a logical explanation. I think media / internet coverage has also encouraged more people to speak out.

It also leads to more idiots being taken seriously such as, to name two, a woman who saw a character wearing "Nike trainers" in a 17/18th portrait at the National Gallery and someone else who saw a "laptop" in a similarly aged painting!

The "Nike trainers" appeared to be square toed boots bound up with ribbons tied in a bow. Equally the "laptop" was a box or case for a necklace!

It is interesting that people sometimes want to ascribe human achievement to extra terrestrial/ supernatural/divine inspiration or influence.

Hernan Cortez who conquered the Mexica or Aztecs attributed his success to God. Equally it was due to the superior weapons os the Spanish, their horses and a combination of factors that meant the Aztecs' client states flocked to Cortez' banner.

In the 1960s/70s Erich von Danniken popularized theories that our technology was given to our ancestors by aliens, one of his many books being Was God an Astronaut?!

Going back to the Axtecs, their capital city Technochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of a lagoon which the partially drained and used to irritate the surrounding land. Cortez estimated there were maybe 200 000 people living there, making it larger than many European capitals in 1520.

The Maya in southern Mexico/Guatemala and the Inca of Peru had similar empires within relatively speaking a close geographic area too.

Did aliens help them, or the Egyptians or the Ancient Cambodians or the people of the Indus valley? No more I think than ET being responsible for Carthage or Rome.

If it does turn out that we don't encounter alien lifeforms, at least I can watch Kirk snogging any alien strumpet left, right and centre and think go Tomcat ! ;-)))

Yeah, it's a bit sad atleast for those who have a fairly rational and "realistic" perception of it that the subject has been taken over in many aspects by "gullible?" in society.

Even between something extraterrestial potentially having visited earth, and something extraterrestial being active on earth theres quite the difference. With all the wear and tear going on on earth, were already lucky if we can find some minute remains of a proto civilization that might have existed 10.000 years ago, it would take pretty stronk stuff for something that have visited earth a few million years ago to be still around on a level that is not broken down to it's very atoms. And it's perhaps not even a given that any species that reaches a technoligy level that in relative terms is a 1000 years ahead of us at our current evolutionary pace is even going to stick around or atleast in it's form in our galaxy. One perception of mine is that it might be actually logically feasable for any intelligent species that got advanced enough for it to reduce its size to perhaps subatomic levels where they might be a complex construction of quarks, at which point you would even never see them, but it surely would make it easier for that species to go about in space and travel outright to other galaxy's in a hurry, and it's perhaps so in relation to that that our glaxy just really isn't "the place to be". Well eitherway, the day they observe something like a Tachyon ill be screaming alien i think, be it afcourse that such Tachyons particle sized aliens would have the inherit property of speeds vastly greater than the speed of light (think for example 1 billion x speed of light, takes you 1.5 seconds to cross our milky way) and therefore typically traveling backwards in time and "arriving somewhere at destination before having departed from their origin".
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they use to send the big yellow bus for you if you talked about UFO's or Aliens, Now its 2023 you phone the NHS helpline and they run you through a checklist of questions and if you pass they send a man in a black suit with sunglasses on asking you to look at his pen
A good post. thanks I will take a look at that (QB). I’m fascinated with sub atomic physics and it’s a career path I was going to take before I met my wife (then girlfriend)…and unfortunately studied molecular biology instead.

Sometimes it's hard to know what you should keep as a hobby topic and what you should properly study. I did my undergrad in mathematical physics which was about 40% quantum theory. I went in thinking it was going to be all mystery and intrigue but the reality is it is just reams of eye-wateringly hard maths. In the end I couldn't wait to graduate and do something else.

That's how I learned that true passion for a subject isn't about loving the interesting bits. It's about being willing to put up with the years of mental pain for those few moments of mind-blowing revelation.

I remember sitting in my lectures on classical electromagnetism where I went through 30 hours of what appeared to be total chaotic nonsense. Then in the very last lecture out of a sea of noise and about 12 whiteboards of equations, from first principles, you end up 'discovering' the speed of light. The number just kind of intuitively pops out of the fabric of the universe. That kind of thing is cool and makes it worthwhile but there's a lot of work involved in getting there.
The article claims they have NO evidence of aliens. Some other irrelevant guy claims otherwise. Like some do.
This extraterrestrial object the yanks have seems very plausible to me. I'd go as far as saying that Elvis probably brought it back from the Moon.
Thank goodness no one's decided to make the obvious Buster Gonad joke about aliens being a load of bollocks to which the correct answer is extra testicle!

I'll get my gold cape and flying goggles on the way out?!?

It is a fascinating point that aliens are probably not humanoid but could have evolved in all kinds of environments that we can't imagine.

Going back to the OP, the vast majority of UFOs are explicable as weather phenomena, birds, planes etc. That's maybe 90% of sightings, maybe more than that. Which does mean that there must be a small percentage that would appear to be actual UFO's....

Like I say most encounters would have a logical explanation. I think media / internet coverage has also encouraged more people to speak out.

It also leads to more idiots being taken seriously such as, to name two, a woman who saw a character wearing "Nike trainers" in a 17/18th portrait at the National Gallery and someone else who saw a "laptop" in a similarly aged painting!

The "Nike trainers" appeared to be square toed boots bound up with ribbons tied in a bow. Equally the "laptop" was a box or case for a necklace!

It is interesting that people sometimes want to ascribe human achievement to extra terrestrial/ supernatural/divine inspiration or influence.

Hernan Cortez who conquered the Mexica or Aztecs attributed his success to God. Equally it was due to the superior weapons os the Spanish, their horses and a combination of factors that meant the Aztecs' client states flocked to Cortez' banner.

In the 1960s/70s Erich von Danniken popularized theories that our technology was given to our ancestors by aliens, one of his many books being Was God an Astronaut?!

Going back to the Axtecs, their capital city Technochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of a lagoon which the partially drained and used to irritate the surrounding land. Cortez estimated there were maybe 200 000 people living there, making it larger than many European capitals in 1520.

The Maya in southern Mexico/Guatemala and the Inca of Peru had similar empires within relatively speaking a close geographic area too.

Did aliens help them, or the Egyptians or the Ancient Cambodians or the people of the Indus valley? No more I think than ET being responsible for Carthage or Rome.

If it does turn out that we don't encounter alien lifeforms, at least I can watch Kirk snogging any alien strumpet left, right and centre and think go Tomcat ! ;-)))
There were also the Minoans on Crete who just inexplicably vanished.
They had an advanced system of drainage for their settlement.
They might also be intelligent, and then simply lack physical manipulators like our hands to actually do much with it in material terms. Few animals on earth have hands its kinda niche mostly for certain treeclimbers but an intelligent animal won't necessarily be able either to build tools or machines or an advanced materialistic society with things like fins, hooves or paws.

One part i certaintly question, and one that is argued against by proffesor Nolan too, is that he describes the aliens as "humanoid". It's quite unlikely that extraterrestials would be humanoid given the sheer permutations of variety in enviroments where extraterrestials might potentially originate from.
Most life on Earth has six legs that in combination can be used with great dexterity.
Most life on Earth has six legs that in combination can be used with great dexterity.

Heh, i guess youre pointing to the fact that there are for example 2.5 million times more ants on the globe than humans?

What i really meant was that few species on earth have the kind of physical manipulators like we have to even be able to to build up a materialistic and technoligy driven civilization like we do. Our hands and the capabillety of them are fairly rare in the animal world and part of a very niche evolutionary branch. There are others sure but on the grand scale of it it's pretty rare for a species to have something like these fine motorical manipulators, and even then with having such things like opposable thumbs the ape related species have pretty much the best tools for the job. Any intelligent animal that has fins, hooves, paws, wings, legs you name it arn't nessecarily going to be ever able to use these to make or build things even if they are intelligent. It's another filter as to the possibilety of having intelligent life that actually would ever be able to build spaceships, not a small filter at that i'd say.
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The article claims they have NO evidence of aliens. Some other irrelevant guy claims otherwise. Like some do.

Some claims from very credible witnesses here:

Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007, said that, in some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, “We couldn’t make it ourselves.”

Mr. Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

Mr. Davis said he also gave classified briefings on retrievals of unexplained objects to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Oct. 21, 2019, and to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee two days later.


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