UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

When you think about it, if we did find an ‘off world‘ craft/vehicle here, it’s likely to have crashed unintentionally.

Secondly, it always makes me laugh that we think a biological creature would need to be driving it.

If they managed to get here, it’s highly unlikely it would be manned.
Surely common sense makes you think a robot or some AI based thing would be controlling it. All Sci Fi tends to have that planets inhabitants in a ship etc but in my view that would never happen.

So, in conclusion, my view is that our first contact would be a crashed vehicle unmanned. We would then have to reverse engineer it and I think that could well be happening now.
Thank goodness no one's decided to make the obvious Buster Gonad joke about aliens being a load of bollocks to which the correct answer is extra testicle!

I'll get my gold cape and flying goggles on the way out?!?

It is a fascinating point that aliens are probably not humanoid but could have evolved in all kinds of environments that we can't imagine.

Going back to the OP, the vast majority of UFOs are explicable as weather phenomena, birds, planes etc. That's maybe 90% of sightings, maybe more than that. Which does mean that there must be a small percentage that would appear to be actual UFO's....

Like I say most encounters would have a logical explanation. I think media / internet coverage has also encouraged more people to speak out.

It also leads to more idiots being taken seriously such as, to name two, a woman who saw a character wearing "Nike trainers" in a 17/18th portrait at the National Gallery and someone else who saw a "laptop" in a similarly aged painting!

The "Nike trainers" appeared to be square toed boots bound up with ribbons tied in a bow. Equally the "laptop" was a box or case for a necklace!

It is interesting that people sometimes want to ascribe human achievement to extra terrestrial/ supernatural/divine inspiration or influence.

Hernan Cortez who conquered the Mexica or Aztecs attributed his success to God. Equally it was due to the superior weapons os the Spanish, their horses and a combination of factors that meant the Aztecs' client states flocked to Cortez' banner.

In the 1960s/70s Erich von Danniken popularized theories that our technology was given to our ancestors by aliens, one of his many books being Was God an Astronaut?!

Going back to the Axtecs, their capital city Technochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of a lagoon which the partially drained and used to irritate the surrounding land. Cortez estimated there were maybe 200 000 people living there, making it larger than many European capitals in 1520.

The Maya in southern Mexico/Guatemala and the Inca of Peru had similar empires within relatively speaking a close geographic area too.

Did aliens help them, or the Egyptians or the Ancient Cambodians or the people of the Indus valley? No more I think than ET being responsible for Carthage or Rome.

If it does turn out that we don't encounter alien lifeforms, at least I can watch Kirk snogging any alien strumpet left, right and centre and think go Tomcat ! ;-)))

This post reminded me of this photo that was going round ages ago of a modern looking guy in a photo from 1940


Sometimes you have to apply Occam’s razor to these situations. There are probably people around today who look like lunatics to us but will look contemporary to the people of 2100. Probably a fair few on this forum, I imagine :) I tell my wife all the time, I haven’t got a bad sense of style I’m just ahead of my time.
This post reminded me of this photo that was going round ages ago of a modern looking guy in a photo from 1940

View attachment 80541

Sometimes you have to apply Occam’s razor to these situations. There are probably people around today who look like lunatics to us but will look contemporary to the people of 2100. Probably a fair few on this forum, I imagine :) I tell my wife all the time, I haven’t got a bad sense of style I’m just ahead of my time.
I've recently bought a Panama hat, fair play to those people who can pull off the titfer look, I just look a twat?!

But that guy does give off rockstar vibes! To confound future historians, I'll start wearing anachronistic clothes..... ;-))
Just to be a little bit pedantic - we can't come up with laws of physics, they are true by definition and are discovered. A scientific law is a statement of observed phenomena. They aren't an attempt to explain the phenomena. What I think you mean (without wanting to presume) is that a lot of these laws start out appearing quite simple in easily observed nature, but our interpretation breaks down in certain extreme cases and so we can hone our understanding of laws over time.

What some physicists do is look for these extreme edge cases where our knowledge of laws no longer hold and in doing so they sometimes improve our understanding of the laws so that they can describe those edge cases.

In terms of travelling long distances, the laws of physics as you rightly say are prohibitive. You simply can't travel at lightspeed conventionally because the faster you go the more your relativistic mass increases and the amount of energy you need to go faster goes up exponentially. There's also time dilation, it's all very Flight of the Navigator.

An advanced civilisation could know much more about these extremes where the laws of physics as we know them break down. And so really there is no way of knowing how quickly they might be able to traverse space. For example, with enough mass, you can make space-time do some really funky stuff. Wormholes are one well-known theoretical example of this.

I have a passing interest in UFO stuff, just because I'm living for the day something interesting might happen to my life. I don't really believe in anything I've seen relating to UFOs/UAPs, including the OP, because none of it has ever met my standard of evidence, however it is a great source of entertainment for me. I stumbled upon this thread a few days ago about a "supposed whistleblower" on 4chan who is dying of cancer and so has spilled the beans online. It seems like obvious bollocks but I do commend him on how he has at least created an air of plausability.

Link here. Warning it is very very very long.
That’s the thing I’m an avid watcher of Ancient Aliens on TV purely out of interest that they may have uncovered some real evidence that measures up to my critical analysis all the time I’m thinking “that can’t be right that doesn’t make sense“ even with a very basic knowledge of physics that I don’t have

In contrast I listen to science and physics programs so pick up little bits of information on how the Universe works even so I have a deep admiration for anyone who does study these things and can handle the math that goes with it “genius minds” they are the real heroes working on long streams of numbers and understanding what it means. I’m a two plus two equals six sort of brain long past grasping the fundamentals please how do I open the link with three symbols which one ?
This post reminded me of this photo that was going round ages ago of a modern looking guy in a photo from 1940

View attachment 80541

Sometimes you have to apply Occam’s razor to these situations. There are probably people around today who look like lunatics to us but will look contemporary to the people of 2100. Probably a fair few on this forum, I imagine :) I tell my wife all the time, I haven’t got a bad sense of style I’m just ahead of my time.

In times where experienced photoshoppers are plentifull a photo proves nothing at all.
There were also the Minoans on Crete who just inexplicably vanished.
They had an advanced system of drainage for their settlement.
One theory I heard was that, when the volcano on Santorini exploded, around 65 miles away, the resultant tsunami (apparently 150 metres high) submerged Knossos, then the capital of the Minoan civilisation, as it was only 5 miles from the coast.
I think it's a load of Minotaur, personally.
In times where experienced photoshoppers are plentifull a photo proves nothing at all.

I agree, unless the photo has provenance which this one actually does as it comes from the archives of a museum in Canada.

As technology improves this skepticality will be more necessary with the advent of deep fakes and improved CG.
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A Stanford professor who has researched unidentified aerial phenomena for the US government says he believes extraterrestrial intelligence has not only visited earth but "it's been here a long time and it's still here".

Dr Garry Nolan also claimed that whistleblowers who have worked on "reverse-engineering downed craft" had recently given classified testimony to Congress, creating a "hornet's nest in Washington".

Dr Nolan, a Professor of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine who has published more than 300 research articles and holds 40 US patents, made the bombshell comments during a talk at the Salt iConnections conference in New York on Thursday titled "The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs".


During the session, moderator Alex Klokus, founder and managing partner of Salt Fund, asked Dr Nolan, "Do you believe that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited planet earth?"

"I think you can go a step further — it hasn't just visited, it's been here a long time and it's still here," Dr Nolan replied.


Asked by Mr Klokus what the "most compelling evidence" was for his claim, Dr Nolan said "you just need to look at what your government is doing right now about it".

"Just go and look at the number of politicians on both sides of the aisle who have come together and signed off on this statement," he said.

"What are they basing their opinions on? They're basing their opinions on the dozens of individuals who in one manner or another have come forward and talked to them in classified settings."

Dr Nolan said in addition he had "personal experience" with "people who, frankly, I know have worked or are working on the reverse-engineering programs".


Note - For those unaware, the US congress has recently created a new vehicle for UAP/UFO whistleblowers to come forward and has signed into law that these whistleblowers cannot be prosecuted. Various people are believed to have come forward and delivered private testimonies.
he's very well respected
One theory I heard was that, when the volcano on Santorini exploded, around 65 miles away, the resultant tsunami (apparently 150 metres high) submerged Knossos, then the capital of the Minoan civilisation, as it was only 5 miles from the coast.
I think it's a load of Minotaur, personally.

it's the more accepted theory that this is how the Minoan civilisation met it's end. I don't think it's nessecarily proven, then again by the same way that the guy you reply to put it there were many civilisations trough history that kinda vanished inexplicably, especially when it relates to really old civilisations or those who don't have a written record and are hardly described by written records. But in pretty much any of these cases there is some main theory as to why, typically involving some enviromental catastrophe.

he's very well respected

Where is Monkfish M.D when you need him..
Yes, they have an extraterrestrial object, and here it is:


Collected from the Hadley Rille by the crew of Apollo 15. And that, my friends, is far more impressive to me as an achievement than all of the pointless speculation about little green men visiting in secret for purposes unknown.

Another thought for you - our planet is unique in many ways but one of them is the presence of such a large moon. The moon, of course, produces significant tides and this has arguably turbocharged evolution on this planet by allowing the move from water to land in a relatively short period of time. So, maybe we will not be the only intelligent life in the galaxy, but what if we are the first? The rock above being part of our first baby steps that leads to us being the ones visiting other worlds (and kidnapping it's inhabitants in the dead of night to subject them to probes...). If that is the case, then we have a duty to ensure we don't f*ck this planet up before we can fulfill our destiny amongst the stars.

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